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Nice! My second split matured as a male and my third shield is male too. Breeding will commence next week! My silvers should be adults by then too, if my luck holds, it's one of each! Heck, I would even take both males with the female heavy scroll I currently have.
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OCBuckWife;1278412; said:
Nice! My second split matured as a male and my third shield is male too. Breeding will commence next week! My silvers should be adults by then too, if my luck holds, it's one of each! Heck, I would even take both males with the female heavy scroll I currently have.

Yeah, I had a pretty intense snatch factory there for a while too til the skywings came.
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tips for breeding

Er, I was under the impression that "The dragons refuse to even go near each other" was the equivalent of "NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN" and that "The dragons don't really show much interest in each other" was the equivalent of "I have a headache, honey - maybe next week."

IE: refuse = never; not much interest = maybe

I've had dragons that "didn't show much interest" produce eggs the next week, and some that changed from not much interest to flat out refusal.


TJ had said himself that if two dragons REFUSE to go near each other, they are not compatible and NEVER will breed, ever ever.

If they "show little interest" than you could try again and they may breed.

TJ is the main site coder.

My black female just refused one of my two male shields. :-(
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