Incorrect. They forgot semen.
Everybody is going off the teeter totter about this, and it's both hilarious and aggravating.
On one hand, yes, Ebola is not the most transmissible of viruses. There is some conflicting data regarding aerosol transmission, but the preponderance suggests that it is contact/fomite/large droplet in practice.
On the other hand, our public health folks look like a bunch of idiots at the moment. They don't have consistent messaging, they're indecisive in front of the press, and they aren't drawing strong cordons around contacts, which is what most of us would probably like to see.
How many of you have heard what to do if you think you have Ebola? How strong is that message? I assure you, step one is not to go to your doctor or the hospital. That's what people will do, though, in the absence of clear instruction, and in the event that the virus does begin to spread, it's that tendency that will greatly accelerate the spread.
I'm not worrying about it, but I am watching with interest.
Edit: for any who are wondering, the answer is "call your doctor or hospital for guidance. Don't just show up."