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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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IMO, Luke Fickell is the Pat Fitzgerald of Ohio State. Both were stud defenders for their teams in the 1990s, which they are now head coaching. They are taking over for a coach that were loved by many at their school.
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I know he can coach, but can he recruit at the highest level as a H.C? This is the question that scares me. Even that douche Kiffin has been able to pull in top 10 classes with sanctions over USC's head. I realize we have to give him time but this class isn't shaping up like we hoped earlier in the year.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1940351; said:
I know he can coach, but can he recruit at the highest level as a H.C? This is the question that scares me. Even that douche Kiffin has been able to pull in top 10 classes with sanctions over USC's head. I realize we have to give him time but this class isn't shaping up like we hoped earlier in the year.

I think a key difference is that Kiffin was hired to be a long-term coach whereas Fickell is only guaranteed to be there for this season. Obviously Kiffin could be ousted at any point and so is not guaranteed to be there long-term but there is no pre-planned coaching search at the end of the season like there is at OSU.
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itownbuckeye;1940355; said:
I think a key difference is that Kiffin was hired to be a long-term coach whereas Fickell is only guaranteed to be there for this season.

Well, that and it's USC...

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GeorgiaBuck2;1940351; said:
I know he can coach, but can he recruit at the highest level as a H.C?

By many accounts, Fickell has been the program's best recruiter over the past several seasons. Drayton is not a bad wingman to have and Coach Peterson is still on the staff. I think they will be able to recruit - to the extent that any forthcoming sanctions will allow.

GeorgiaBuck2;1940351; said:
I realize we have to give him time but this class isn't shaping up like we hoped earlier in the year.

This team has lost its head coach, its starting QB and has been getting pounded in the rear end by every columnist in the country. I can't imagine how that might make things different than we had all hoped for earlier in the year. :roll2:

The man fell into as tough a situation as you could imagine, just had his first press conference yesterday and people are already starting to imply that he's a bum recruiter. Unbelievable.
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IMO, much will happen once a verdict is passed down by the NCAA but it's just as imperative that Ohio State makes a decision on a HC so that named coach can put a staff together and at least establish some stability within the program. While LF lacks HC experience and an OC, I feel he has everything else OSU would wish a coach to have.

If I was the AD, I would sign LF to a contract (say 3 years) and tell him to go for it. Say what you want about getting a HC with a name but OSU needs someone that understands what OSU is about and there are not many coaches out there willing to come to OSU with sanctions hanging over the football program. We know its going to happen, we just don't know how bad its going to be. So eliminate, the HC issue and remove the interm tag on LF and make him HC. :oh:
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I still say this is one of the positives that come from a disaster. The only knock on Luke is experience as a Head Coach. How do you get that experience? By getting a chance or opportunity. Luke has paid his dues and deserve this shot. The other coaches in the Big Ten are all hoping Luke does not have a good year. Look at it from their perspective. An OSU grad (which 4 out of 6 in the 60 years have been) Ohio Boy that is even before his prime has his dream job (Tressel) handles this adversity will be JT2. Recruits will line up and other assistant coaches will line up. My other prediction is that Joe B wins the starting job and has a Craig K year. Senior year and without TP knows he is the man and just does not have to make mistakes. Braxton will get TP time like TP's Freshman year and mix things up.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1940351; said:
I know he can coach, but can he recruit at the highest level as a H.C? This is the question that scares me. Even that douche Kiffin has been able to pull in top 10 classes with sanctions over USC's head. I realize we have to give him time but this class isn't shaping up like we hoped earlier in the year.

GeorgiaBuck2;1940387; said:
That's why I said Head Coach. He has been an excellent recruiter as an assistant, we just have to wait and find out if the success continues as a head coach.

We know he can coach and can recruit; the real question is: Can he manage a big time college football program (and no coach can do everything himself)?

Jim Tressel was a hands on micro manager. John Cooper was a delegator. Both were sucessful head coaches. In my opinion the secret formula for him to be a sucessfull head coach at Ohio State is to quickly determine what style works best for him (i.e. don't just try to copy someone elses) and have great assistant coaches. During John Cooper's best years he had some really outstanding assistant coaches that went on to coordinator/head coaching positions. Fickell's long term fate could very well depend on his ability to attract outstanding assistant coaches that are compatable with is coaching style, etc.

As Yoda would say: "choose wisely when selecting assistant coaches, young Buckeye"


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ScriptOhio;1940391; said:
We know he can coach and can recruit; the real question is: Can he manage a big time college football program (and no coach can do everything himself)?

Jim Tressel was a hands on micro manager. John Cooper was a delegator. Both were sucessful head coaches. In my opinion the secret formula for him to be a sucessfull head coach at Ohio State is to quickly determine what style works best for him (i.e. don't just try to copy someone elses) and have great assistant coaches. During John Cooper's best years he had some really outstanding assistant coaches that went on to coordinator/head coaching positions. Fickell's long term fate could very well depend on his ability to attract outstanding assistant coaches that are compatable with is coaching style, etc.

As Yoda would say: "choose wisely when selecting assistant coaches, young Buckeye"



Cooper didn't even know half of the players names.
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