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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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Buckeye86;1939832; said:
+ Drayton

I'm a Drayton fan as well, but I wanna see how he does coaching up the WRs this year. We all know he will be lights out in recruiting, but I wanna see how he brings up the young guys.

He's a change from Hazel who stressed the finer points of being a WR. While Drayton stress' making plays. If he has input in the offense I think we'll see a bit more of screens and such.
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That soft Zone with a DL dropping back into disguised coverage is pretty much what paved the way the victories against Miami and Arkansas last year.
Definitely hoping Heacock sticks around.

dragurd;1939827; said:
Indeed Heacock for as much as we got on his soft zone throughout the years put out a consistantly stellar defense.
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osugrad21;1939819; said:
If Luke does the job needed this Fall and he gets the nod, look for a handful of coaches to leave after the season. Fick will bring in his own folks.

No inside info, but just a hunch.

I agree 110%, I think we will see a handful of new guys. I sure wouldnt mind seeing an ex Patriots DE/LB/TE join the staff somewhere.....I wouldnt be surprised about a move from Drayton back to RB`s coach. Go Bucks
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JBaney45;1939830; said:
Yeah, I think it's kind of an interesting dynamic having him as the boss of Tressel's guys.

Of course I have to ask..who are Fickell's "own folks" at this point?
I, for one, wouldn't be surprised to see Mike Vrabel's name thrown about. He's expressed interest in being a coach at OSU someday, he's within a few years of hanging it up in the league, and he's a former linemate of Fickell's.
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Luke Fickell said:
Our guys will know about November 26, I promise you that.

Ohio State is so much bigger than any one team, one player, one coach or one situation.

Music to my ears, Coach. :)
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osugrad21;1939819; said:
If Luke does the job needed this Fall and he gets the nod, look for a handful of coaches to leave after the season. Fick will bring in his own folks.

No inside info, but just a hunch.

Sounds like a good plan to me.
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"Men of action."

That begins and I'm definitely ALL-IN. Tired of lip service from just about everyone without the action to back it up. Won't that be refreshing if he comes through with this attitude?
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dragurd;1939827; said:
Indeed Heacock for as much as we got on his soft zone throughout the years put out a consistantly stellar defense.

I have seen many BP members post about that.

I'd be interested to hear from those who have posted that who are old enough to remember Earle Bruce's defenses.

As for the present, there are a number of things I like about Coach Fickell:
  1. Hand picked by Tressel
  2. Grew up a Buckeye
  3. Wrestling State Champ (competitive, tough)
  4. Four Year Starter
  5. Nose Guard
Going back to the Earle Bruce year's; it wasn't just the defensive backfield's alignment, it was the defensive line that made me pull my hair out. Having endured that, I love that we now have a coach that played nose guard (see #5 above).

I freely acknowledge that having played nose guard has no bearing whatever on whether he can coach his way out of Ann Arbor. But being a fan is, at some level, irrational from the outset. I like Coach Nose Guard and I hope he does well enough to be the last coach hired in my lifetime.
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One thing that is clearly evident: Fickell is going to be doing things his own way and he is a completely different person than Tressel.

I love his passion. Hopefully that passion will translate to being a great coach. He has a great chance of earning this job.
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