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DT Garrett "The Gladiator" Goebel (official thread)

super_mario;860516; said:
Goebel is a stud, congrats. He's all yours.

Like OSUBuckeye4Life said, depth always plays a role, unless of course you are USC/Pete Carroll. That "your my #1 guy" load of BS seems to work on 16-18 year old kids like money does with strippers.

Anyways? Is it just me, this might be a bit off topic, but where the heck are the DT's from Ohio the past few classes, or has the state of Ohio been producing lots of athletic DE's yet virtually no DT's lately. You guys look pretty stacked on the depth chart at DE, but at DT you look pretty thin.

UM/ND look to be set at DT, and to top it off Goebel doesn't look like the typical NT to me in ND's 3-4 system, he'd be more of a DE in that system, and the DE they want most is Ethan Johnson, and his top 2 are 'SC/ND with ND being the rumored leader.
next year. Hall and Simon.
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super_mario;860516; said:
Goebel is a stud, congrats. He's all yours.

Anyways, this might be a bit off topic, but where the heck are the DT's from Ohio the past few classes? Is it just me, or has the state of Ohio been producing lots of athletic DE's yet virtually no DT's lately. You guys look pretty stacked on the depth chart at DE, but at DT you look pretty thin.
There have been talented guys lately, but most of them are dumb-dumbs. Maupin and Cotton both had grade issues and failed out of tOSU. Antwon Hight is at Akron or Toledo not because of his onfield talent. For the same reasons, Antonio Jeremiah is at MSU. The last two guys were arguably the tops at their position in the classes of 2006 and 2007, respectively.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;860483; said:
As far as Goebel......I think the visit this weekend with his mother is HUGE. I know he likes the Bucks, but as I'm sure JT knows, you gotta sell the parents too.

Hear that sound? Thats the sound of the him hitting the nail on the head.

When Mom gets brought along for a visit, it can make or break a recruitment, depending on whether or not she likes what she sees. It would be very big to win the mother over - 'cause then you've got yourself another recruiter, only she's living in the prospect's home. Chances are OSU has a much better chance of making this a no doubt situation than screwing it up somehow, but hearing how she took it in will be interesting to monitor.

And as a side note, I promise to keep the ND explanations more succinct. Don't want to rain on your Buckeye board at all - just happen to be a wordy guy more often than not. Like from Monty Python's Holy Grail, I'll, "GET ON WITH IT!" :biggrin:
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TheStoicPaisano;860536; said:
There have been talented guys lately, but most of them are dumb-dumbs.

It's a shame when kids listen to bad advice...


....anyways here's to Goebel announcing soon!
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Off-topic for a heart beat, but I actually appreciate what IrishCalves and supermario...if more visiting fans were able to bring the opposing teams' point of view to the table without flaming like they do, it would make BP all the better.

Here's hoping that mom has a great visit to Columbus this weekend...
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The day JT stops wowing parents is the day this recruiting gravy train grinds to a halt.

Jim Tressel is a man who genuinely cares about the athletic, academic and spiritual development of the kids placed in his charge ...and it shows. Parents realize immediately that handing their beloved son over to JT's care for four or five years is a wise and safe move. Ted Ginn Sr. knows that. The Carpenters, Robiskies and Laurinaitises knew that. Even Tyson Gentry's parents know that.

IMHO, Garrett Goebel bringing his Mom to Columbus can mean only one thing. I would bet the ranch that he will be our next commit.
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