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Do you hate Notre Dame?

Do you hate Notre Dame?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 29.0%
  • Absolutely

    Votes: 55 59.1%
  • Hail Mary....

    Votes: 11 11.8%

  • Total voters
buckeyegrad;623570; said:
Well, I have been to South Bend numerous times as I have family who live there and in neighboring Mishawaka. Despite what you claim, it actually is a very nice city--I could easily live there. In addition, I have visited the campus several times and it is easily one of the most scenic one's you will find in the midwest. Yes, it is a lot more quiet than Ohio State's campus, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I never said the campus was crap. The campus is beautiful. The city sucks. Have you ventured north to Michiana? Quality. The college football HOF was rather disappointing as well.

buckeyegrad;623570; said:
I hear all the time about these annoying ND fans, but yet I have never met them. Most of the ND fans I know either have ties to the school or are Catholics who happen to like football. Maybe you are just anti-papist and that is the real problem! :tongue2:

I've got 6 of them who work with me. Never even knew they were ND fans until the Weis era. I'm also Catholic, and hear that Catholic parallel consistently without merit. I've yet to understand how religious affiliation has anything to do with ND football. In addition, there are several Catholic schools to root for in D1 football. Why aren't these "fans" attending Ohio Dominican games? Whatever happened to locale loyalty? Typically, fans root for the hometown team. Why do I have to works with 6 schmucks who are ND fans from Central Ohio? :hatepc: :biggrin:
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buckeyegrad;623622; said:
So, do you remember watching those teams and players play on Saturdays? From what experience are you saying that those teams and players were not worthy?

Well, yes I do. It's good to be an old fart and know why the hell you hate Notre Dame.

It's not just Weiss and Touchdown Jesus. It's looking up at the TV screen and seeing that wimp ass Regis Philbus on the side lines... and then laughing my ass off when Terry Glenn took off on an 80+ TD gallop before the interview ended, it's Lou Holtz saying on Friday, "What about my team? Why aren't you guys (the press) asking about my team? Who's Ohio state? Did they invent football?" It's watching them play to a 10 10 tie and seeing Michigan State fall in the polls while they rise. It is seeing Golden Boy Hornung win the Heisman on a team that didn't even sniff going to a bowl. It's talking to a Domer on Saturday and having me tell him that they've got a tough game coming up... NAVY... a team that hasn't beaten them since the Gulf of Tonkin! It's having all three academies on your plate and then bragging about SOS, "More gruel, please, sir." It's firing Chris Collinsworth because he didn't talk up the Irish... the only college team in broadcast history that gets to pick the announcers...
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How can I, when I don't have the information to do so? I didn't see these players and teams because they were before my time. My point is that you don't have the information to properly make such evaluations either. Maybe ND didn't deserve these titles, maybe they did. I can't really say, and I don't believe you can either?

Anyway, this is really beyond the original argument, which is to say why are OSU fans obsessed with hating ND? Because the media loves them more than us? What does that say about us as fans?
I'm entirely sure hating NA isn't exclusive to OSU fans.
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Look, if you guys want to hate on ND, go ahead. I'm not here to say you can't. I just think its weird to be so obsessed with them when they have never done anything any other program wouldn't do if they were in the same situation or anything that has disrespected our program.

The problems are with the media, not ND!
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My hate has nothing to do with media. My hate was born from the environment I grew up in and it goes the same for Notre Dame as it does for the Celtics. I think any of the guys from here who grew up in the Youngstown area can vouch for the single mindedness and ethnic stereotyping that exist there. From the time I was a little kid (not Catholic, or Irish) in Youngstown you should like Notre Dame because they are Irish, Catholic, or they have more White Guys than everyone else. Add that to having to come home from church every Sunday in the fall and be forced to watch the Notre Dame Replay with Lindsay Nelson All of these formed a negative opinion for me from the start, and it has only gotten worse as I have aged.

As you can see I picked up a little bit of the singlemindedness myself.
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cincibuck;623645; said:
It's watching them play to a 10 10 tie and seeing Michigan State fall in the polls while they rise.

Sorry cinci, this isn't accurate, at least in regards to the AP poll.

Before the 'Game of the Century' in 1966, ND was #1 and MSU was #2 in the AP poll. After the famous 10-10 tie, they stayed 1 and 2 in the same order, although the margin got closer. MSU's season was over, and ND defeated (a so-so, but Pac-10 champion) USC 51-0. The final poll was also ND #1, MSU #2, with a 10-0 Alabama team #3.
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Buck Nasty;623700; said:
My hate has nothing to do with media. My hate was born from the environment I grew up in and it goes the same for Notre Dame as it does for the Celtics. I think any of the guys from here who grew up in the Youngstown area can vouch for the single mindedness and ethnic stereotyping that exist there. From the time I was a little kid (not Catholic, or Irish) in Youngstown you should like Notre Dame because they are Irish, Catholic, or they have more White Guys than everyone else. Add that to having to come home from church every Sunday in the fall and be forced to watch the Notre Dame Replay with Lindsay Nelson All of these formed a negative opinion for me from the start, and it has only gotten worse as I have aged.

As you can see I picked up a little bit of the singlemindedness myself.

In this instance, I can understand why there might be a grudge against them. I just don't think it is typical for most ND-haters.
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This is how it works in my mind:

Obnoxious, fair weather fans = I don't care whatsoever for their program.

Here are some of the PM's I have received from the local shame fan in the past few days.

"Candy ass"

I think he is the epitome of a Notre Shame fan.
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BuckBackHome;623923; said:
This is how it works in my mind:

Obnoxious, fair weather fans = I don't care whatsoever for their program.

Here are some of the PM's I have received from the local shame fan in the past few days.

"Candy ass"

I think he is the epitome of a Notre Shame fan.

Sounds to me like is pretty sweet on your booty, I would be watching my back(side)... :biggrin:
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I hear all the time about these annoying ND fans, but yet I have never met them. Most of the ND fans I know either have ties to the school or are Catholics who happen to like football. Maybe you are just anti-papist and that is the real problem!

I have never met one that isnt.

I have to admit that I actually am rather anti-papist, and that probably is part of the problem, but that is for another thread :biggrin:

I have always had a strong hatred for Notre Dame, all caused by my Dad's hatred of them, and his Dad's hatred of them. They are pompous, arrogant, and think they are heads and toes above everyone else. Now that Pizza the Hut is coachin them, I hate them even more.
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