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DL Nader Abdallah (official thread)

UpNorthBuckeye;1289850; said:
Dude! The rep is nice but not as nice as it was watching NA get that sack! He was VERY VERY happy about it and two minutes later when they showed him on the sideline he was still slappin fives....

That was cool.

Go Bucks!
I get a kick outta watching him play - he's always romping around celebrating.
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OregonBuckeye;1319452; said:
Yup. Mentioned him in the game thread. He's brought some much needed consistency to the DL.


Very nice to see Nadar stepping forward. He might not be the most talented guy on the roster, but he's always out there going hard. Love his attitude on the field.
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I'll be surpised if Nader isn't given the Defensive Player of the week award.

He was credited with 8 tackles, a big number for a DT, and also batted two passes.
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BB73;1321020; said:
I'll be surpised if Nader isn't given the Defensive Player of the week award.

He was credited with 8 tackles, a big number for a DT, and also batted two passes.

Well, I'm a little surprised. Congrats to Nader on being named 'Attack Force Player of the Week".
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RB07OSU;1323150; said:
Nader has been playing better than any of the other DL this year imo. He has really stepped it up at a position where we need lots of help.

Yes, he was a real force for a while there...but I thought I saw him limp off the field...was that just a little ding? Hoping he's full strength for the stretch run.
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Departing seniors were asked about their experience at tOSU.


Nader Abdallah

Defensive tackle

Metairie, La. | Age: 23

Parting thought: "Ohio State has done everything for me. It was the biggest blessing ever. It was fate, really. Before I came here I was working in my dad's store in New Orleans. Of course, I wouldn't be working there now, because Hurricane Katrina wiped us out. All of that, as I sit here today, it seems like it was meant to be. I came in here a boy and I am leaving as a man, knowing about responsibility, and discipline, and close friendships."
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