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DL Nader Abdallah (official thread)

Pro day: The "real" times
OK, we've got a pretty good handle on the 40 times from pro day today. The times I'm going to list here are a range, where most of the 29 teams had the players....it doesn't mean some teams didn't have a guy a few ticks faster (or slower), but these are the best, most reliable ranges we can give you:

NADER ABDALLAH: In four of his six drills, his times would have placed among the top five of defensive tackles at the combine (he was not invited to Indy). His 3-cone shuttle time (7.40 seconds) would have been the best of the combine DTs. He's down to 290 pounds and looks great.

Pro day: The "real" times (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Friday March 20, 2009
Draft Risers and Sliders: Pro Days
By Tony Pauline, Special to SI.com, TFYDraft.com

It was another important week of pro-day workouts as scouts branched out across the nation to watch the top NFL prospects show off their talents. The results of this weeks workouts will directly impact the first round of April's draft.


Nader Abdallah/DT/Ohio State: Abdallah has hit a bit of a hot streak since his somewhat disappointing senior season. He looked a trim but fit at 6-foot-4 and 289 pounds during Ohio State's pro day, posted 24 reps on the bench and ran his 40s in times under 5.10 seconds. Abdallah's vertical jump of 32 inches was also impressive for the big man.

Draft Risers and Sliders: Pro Days - NFL - SI.com
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At least one signing
There were eight former Buckeyes who had tryouts with various teams over the weekend, and so far, the scorecard reads:

1 signing -- DT Nader Abdallah with Jacksonville

Back to Abdallah, he was pretty excited, his weekend went well and the Jaguars have some high-placed Ohio connections.

The new defensive coordinator is Mel Tucker, who was on the OSU coaching staff for Abdallah's first year in the program, 2004.

Also, Jags' general manager Gene Smith is an Ohio native -- Monroeville -- a Heidelberg (bachelors) and Ohio U (masters) graduate.

At least one signing (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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