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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

buckeyboy;2276647; said:
Is there any genetic history of high cholesterol in your family? My mother has the same issue. She eats very well and is in very good shape for a 75 year old woman but has experienced this for several years now. Apparently, it is on her side so I'm crossing my fingers that I don't see it.

Yes, my mom has high cholesterol and my dad had hypertension....that was before he got prostate cancer in his mid 50s......I'm fucked...:(
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DubCoffman62;2279097; said:

Totally forgot about checking this thread again. My bad.

Not to ramble on with questions, but during (or after) what particular workouts are you experiencing the most pain?

Keep in mind, locking your elbows or knee's during your biggest exercises (Squats & Bench) are not a good idea. Much like when you see dummies at the gym doing 225lb shrugs but rolling their shoulders back and then in reverse. Terrible, terrible idea.
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For the first time in pretty sure forever, I ended up not gaining a lot of weight over the holidays (thanksgiving, xmas, new years)

Generally, I always end up putting on around 10 lbs in that month and a half timeframe, but today, I am one pound less than I was when thanksgiving hit. Pretty stoked.

Really gonna try to push my self to lose about 25 lbs before my best friends wedding. Not until July, and I know I could lose prob double that, and I will try, but I've always had this goal of being under 250lbs, and I really would love to finally see a 4 as a middle number, if I end up losing double that awesome, I won't let him just because I set a goal low. Hopefully I can finally do it this year
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I wasn't as good over the holidays. I probably put on 10-15 lbs of fat from Thanksgiving to New Years. We do a diet competition twice a year at work and I won both of them last year. I lost 68 lbs from the beginning of the first one to the end of the second, but that isn't the most accurate number. I was probably 5-10 lbs under what my weight actually should have been for the last weigh-in since I worked out in sweats and fasted for a day before the weigh-in. Right now I'm sitting at 45 lbs less than I was a year ago with significantly more muscle mass than I had then.

I'm going on vacation in June so I have a pretty strict plan for the next 6 months to get me where I want to be. It's hard to tell how much weight I have to lose since I have no clue what my lean body mass is. I'm guessing another 40-50 lbs will be good.

I've been working hard on building muscle since the beginning of December and I'm going to adjust that to losing weight in mid January when the next weight loss competition starts. In mid April I'll switch back to less diet and more lifting and I'll finish with a month and a half or so of a mix between cardio, strength, and diet.

I don't really have a diet plan, but when I'm trying to cut weight I avoid sugar, and carbs (especially non whole grains). I stick to protein and non-starchy veggies as much as possible.

For the workouts I mix P90X and Insanity depending on what I'm trying to do. P90X for muscle, Insanity for weight loss. I also like to swim one day a week since it seems to be a great low impact all around workout.

I just wish I had taken pictures back when I started so I could see the change. I figured since I was only doing 4-5 workouts a week rather than the real program I didn't need pictures, which was a huge mistake. I have a pretty unflattering picture from vacation a couple years ago so my goal is to recreate it this year which should show the change.
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exhawg;2286403; said:
I wasn't as good over the holidays. I probably put on 10-15 lbs of fat from Thanksgiving to New Years. We do a diet competition twice a year at work and I won both of them last year. I lost 68 lbs from the beginning of the first one to the end of the second, but that isn't the most accurate number. I was probably 5-10 lbs under what my weight actually should have been for the last weigh-in since I worked out in sweats and fasted for a day before the weigh-in. Right now I'm sitting at 45 lbs less than I was a year ago with significantly more muscle mass than I had then.

I'm going on vacation in June so I have a pretty strict plan for the next 6 months to get me where I want to be. It's hard to tell how much weight I have to lose since I have no clue what my lean body mass is. I'm guessing another 40-50 lbs will be good.

I've been working hard on building muscle since the beginning of December and I'm going to adjust that to losing weight in mid January when the next weight loss competition starts. In mid April I'll switch back to less diet and more lifting and I'll finish with a month and a half or so of a mix between cardio, strength, and diet.

I don't really have a diet plan, but when I'm trying to cut weight I avoid sugar, and carbs (especially non whole grains). I stick to protein and non-starchy veggies as much as possible.

For the workouts I mix P90X and Insanity depending on what I'm trying to do. P90X for muscle, Insanity for weight loss. I also like to swim one day a week since it seems to be a great low impact all around workout.

I just wish I had taken pictures back when I started so I could see the change. I figured since I was only doing 4-5 workouts a week rather than the real program I didn't need pictures, which was a huge mistake. I have a pretty unflattering picture from vacation a couple years ago so my goal is to recreate it this year which should show the change.

Lard ass.
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Actually I lost 60 pounds last year. I went from 240 to 180.

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My NYR is to climb/hike Mt. Whitney this year. Was on the list for last year, but we bought a house and moved the week I had my permits. (csb)

Anywho, I'm back on the trail, looking to drop about 20 pounds and up the cardio/strength aspects of my overwhelmingly sedentary life.

And, I'm logging this here so that there will be a record of my goal and perhaps people pestering me about it to help keep me on track.
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Bucknut24;2286457; said:
nice, I didn't lose as much as I hoped this year, I was in a stalemate for a very long time..

Started 2012 295 or so, Ended 2012 at 270

I started 2012 at 270 and two nights ago I am down to 240. Goal is between 210 and 220 by the end of this year (weight I graduated HS with and was in great shape at the time). All I did really is change my eating habits from nasty take-out/drive-thru shit to real, whole foods. Now I just need to get my exercise regimen going and I should be able to meet my goal.
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I've been hovering between 215-223 the last year or so. Getting kind of close to the heaviest I've ever been (freshman in college)

Driving down to a beach in FL in early June. My goal is to get down to about 180-190.
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