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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

To answer Buckeneye, I do eat Turkey Bacon and drink skim milk. I do disagree on the fruit. It gives me a pretty good boost in the morning and I don't intake huge amounts of it. The main part of my diet are lean proteins and good carbs.
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I had my physical the other day and everything is good except for the cholesterol. I am kind of at a loss as to what to do. My exercise level is very good and I am probably in my best shape in the last 10 years and the weight is not an issue. I have continued to clean up my diet with leaner meats, veges, fruits, etc. So far, they have not put me on any cholesterol drugs, which is good. I guess I just need to keep pushing on some of the diet items more. It gets frustrating that is for sure.
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buckeyebri;2276625; said:
I had my physical the other day and everything is good except for the cholesterol. I am kind of at a loss as to what to do. My exercise level is very good and I am probably in my best shape in the last 10 years and the weight is not an issue. I have continued to clean up my diet with leaner meats, veges, fruits, etc. So far, they have not put me on any cholesterol drugs, which is good. I guess I just need to keep pushing on some of the diet items more. It gets frustrating that is for sure.

If your physician is simply going by a singular number, then tell 'em to fuck off or just don't worry about it yourself.
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muffler dragon;2276632; said:
If your physician is simply going by a singular number, then tell 'em to [censored] off or just don't worry about it yourself.

Well, my HDL is very high, but my LDL is correspondingly in the High category. My Tris are fine. I just need to cut the LDL down. New doctor so this is his first time seeing my numbers.
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buckeyebri;2276643; said:
Well, my HDL is very high, but my LDL is correspondingly in the High category. My Tris are fine. I just need to cut the LDL down. New doctor so this is his first time seeing my numbers.

Is there any genetic history of high cholesterol in your family? My mother has the same issue. She eats very well and is in very good shape for a 75 year old woman but has experienced this for several years now. Apparently, it is on her side so I'm crossing my fingers that I don't see it.
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Bucknut24;2276640; said:
what's your guy's view on energy supplements?

I really thinking about trying one out (C4) as i'm just dead in the afternoon when I go workout

Depends on your bodies receptors (some people respond differently or at lower/higher levels) and how long you intend on using said supp. for... ?

Most pre-workouts are just packed with monohydrate anymore. That and caffeine. While C4 isn't bad I liked Jack3d, SuperPumpMaxx, instead. Or you could do a poor man's pre-workout and just get some caffeine and 1.3 DMA caps.

I tend to stay away from anything that's main active ingredient is Arginine. Shit is usually garbage.
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buckeyebri;2276643; said:
Well, my HDL is very high, but my LDL is correspondingly in the High category. My Tris are fine. I just need to cut the LDL down. New doctor so this is his first time seeing my numbers.

It's more than HDL-LDL. It's type of the cholesterol and so forth. Additionally, it makes a difference whether the body is producing the cholesterol or if it's diet intake. There are a number of tests that are more informative than the one you recently did. However, even these more thorough tests are pictures-in-time types instead of a solid grasp on what your body is actually dealing with. Cholesterol issues in the US are overblown bullshit (in my IMO) much of the time, because physicians aren't taking the time to actually determine IF there's an issue or not. Furthermore, these cholesterol meds are not selective. They don't just reduce "bad" cholesterol. They reduce all cholesterol. Anyway... I'll jump off the soapbox now.

Edit: here's a link to a "cholesterol" search on www.marksdailyapple.com. I'm providing the search link, because there are a number of articles/postings that will help you gain a better understanding of what I'm trying to explain above.

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muffler dragon;2276665; said:
It's more than HDL-LDL. It's type of the cholesterol and so forth. Additionally, it makes a difference whether the body is producing the cholesterol or if it's diet intake. There are a number of tests that are more informative than the one you recently did. However, even these more thorough tests are pictures-in-time types instead of a solid grasp on what your body is actually dealing with. Cholesterol issues in the US are overblown bull[Mark May] (in my IMO) much of the time, because physicians aren't taking the time to actually determine IF there's an issue or not. Furthermore, these cholesterol meds are not selective. They don't just reduce "bad" cholesterol. They reduce all cholesterol. Anyway... I'll jump off the soapbox now.

Edit: here's a link to a "cholesterol" search on www.marksdailyapple.com. I'm providing the search link, because there are a number of articles/postings that will help you gain a better understanding of what I'm trying to explain above.


Thanks for the information and insight Muffler!
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On the Diet front........

1. Proof Beer Is Good for You: Drinking lots of beer may be the key to staying in good health this winter, at least according to a Japanese medical study funded by ? wait for it ? a Japanese brewery.
Sapporo Breweries, citing a study by Sapporo Medical University, said consuming large quantities of a key ingredient found in beer can boost cold-fighting abilities in adults and help prevent a serious virus in small children.

Of course, over indulgence is not good for you!
Please drink responsibly!
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