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Devin Gardner (official thread)

Honest question for those of you who have seen OSU practices either in person or just through pictures: is this common place at an OSU practice?


I mean I somehow found myself on a Michigan practice article with some photos and there's a whole bunch of guys like this. Idk why, but it looks really lame to me.

Edit: referring to the showing off your abs look.
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He (Gardner) got pounded a little bit,” Hoke said. “He was a warrior out there that last drive before the interception at the end and did a nice job getting us down the field, had taken a lot of shots earlier in the game, and, he just, a little bit worn out.”

Pressed further Hoke added, “I wouldn’t say (it’s) an injury, I’d say beat up. If that’s an injury then that’s an injury.”


Looks like Denard mentored DG well...
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I'll give Gardner credit, his "mentor" would have tapped out well before the 4th quarter.

I started watching this game some time in the second half. One of the first things I noticed was that the back of the 98 was totally muddy... Always a great sign for a QB. Then I though... never saw D-tard look like that.

Thanks for finishing my thought.
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