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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

Poe McKnoe;2197462; said:
This needs to be posted on BWI. I expect the comment section to flourish with FACTS.

FACTS: 98% of which will be related to the graduation rates of football players no doubt. :lol:

Would a monster GRADUATE 85% of his players! Only an altruistic demigod would graduate 85% OF HIS PLAYERS. That BY ITSELF refutes every negative thing that has ever or WILL EVER be said about JOSEPH VINCENT PATERNO!
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Buckeye86;2197466; said:
FACTS: 98% of which will be related to the graduation rates of football players no doubt. :lol:

Would a monster GRADUATE 85% of his players! Only an altruistic demigod would graduate 85% OF HIS PLAYERS. That BY ITSELF refutes every negative thing that has ever or WILL EVER be said about JOSEPH VINCENT PATERNO!

The threat of anal rape is probably a good motivator to keep the graduation rate up. "You better get an A on that test or you'll have to report for an early morning workout with Coach Sandusky."
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BuckeyeNation27;2195228; said:
there was some thread a while back on BWI where a buckeye fan referred to Guido as Paterno's helper or something. they spent about a half of a page calling the guy a racist and ignoring the very good point he was making until somebody pointed out that was his actual name.

Vicky Triponey's husband went on BWI (I think) to defend his good wife's name and in doing so, refered to Guido as Blind Eye Joe's 'fixer'.
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colobuck79;2197460; said:

Wall Street Journal review of Paterno book.

"Self mythologizing monster" is perfect.

There are a lot of good bits from that article.

A nice summary of most people's thoughts on the scandal.

In 1998, Mr. Sandusky, then Penn State's defensive coordinator, was investigated for showering with a young boy. No charges were filed. Three years later, a young coaching assistant saw him showering with another boy. The assistant went to Paterno, who reported it to the appropriate campus authorities, but the case wasn't followed up on, and nothing was heard of any of this for an additional 10 years.
In interviews before his death in January, Paterno would claim that he knew nothing about the 1998 incident. This appears not to be true, as the author documents, citing an email to the school's vice president from the athletic director of the time. Paterno would also claim that he didn't understand the gravity of what Mr. Sandusky was said to have done three years later. Given that Paterno admitted that he understood the shower incident to have been "of a sexual nature," this claim seems impossible to believe.

At best, Paterno was a sort of stuffed mascot, monstrously indifferent to everything around him. At worst, he orchestrated an active conspiracy to protect Mr. Sandusky.

Directly addressing what a joke it is that Paterno is given credit for building PSU.

In fact, the university's rise had to do with enormous Cold War-era military spending. The school didn't build a nuclear reactor in 1955 because of Joe Paterno. Today the program he built brings in tens of millions of dollars per year; the institution has an annual budget of more than $4 billion. Giving Paterno credit for building the school is like crediting legendary Celtics coach Red Auerbach for Boston.

Summarizing what a dick he was to his family.

More than that, Paterno was something more than unfeeling to his own family. As a middle-aged assistant coach, he courted his future wife, an undergraduate at the time, then took her on a short recruiting trip for their honeymoon. Her birthday fell on Valentine's Day; he routinely ignored the date and once called her from the road claiming that he had gotten her a great present?two new recruits. He seems to have spent much of his children's lives either ignoring them or humiliating them over trivial things like sharing a cucumber from an all-you-can-eat plate.

And an example of how the graduation rate was manipulated.

Paterno's myth went like this: A street-wise Brooklyn kid with a Brown University education, he accidentally fell into coaching at a "cow college" and ended up becoming the winningest coach in NCAA history, despite an insistence that education and integrity mattered far more than athletic success. Most of this is false. Paterno had ambitions to coach from a young age, and for all his sanctimonious pieties, he arranged scholarships for bad students like Rich McKenzie, a linebacker who played in the early 1990s.

And the cherry on top? The very first comment brings to cult crazy strong.

  • 10 hours ago

Too bad the author rushed this into print without carefully reading Freeh's report and waiting for revelations from the upcoming Curley/Schultz trial.

There is no good evidence that Paterno knew about the 1998 investigation. The email mentioned had the subject line, Jerry, so the coach referred to was probably Coach Sandusky. Had Paterno known of the 1998 investigation, he might have fired Sandusky because he glad to see him gone.

I suspect Curley and Schultz kept news of the 1998 investigation from Paterno. In 1998, many thought Paterno would soon retire, and Curley could have wanted to keep Sandusky around as the next head coach.

When Paterno told Sandusky he would not be the next head coach, he really had no way of enforcing that. The only way Paterno could assure Sandusky would not be the next head coach was to remain as head coach himself.

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FCollinsBuckeye;2197471; said:
Vicky Triponey's husband went on BWI (I think) to defend his good wife's name and in doing so, refered to Guido as Blind Eye Joe's 'fixer'.

That is correct and they demonized him and his wife. You can't talk to those people. They exist in their own twisted universe. besides, it's more fun to just troll them! :tongue2:
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Taosman;2197525; said:
I find it curious how they keep saying JoPa didn't like Sandusky yet he kept him on staff(pun) for so many years? One inconsistency of many. When I see inconsistencies I think "lies".

Pretty simple reason. His defense is what was winning JoePed all those games and both his national championships. Other than 1994, I can't think of a top Penn State team in their glory hole years (70s to 94) that won with offense.
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NFBuck;2197527; said:
Nobody circles the wagons like a deranged, subhuman cult. I expect that article to have at least 1,000 comments from those mutants. [Mark May], maybe more.

There are only 5 so far. I don't think many in the cult read the Wall Street Journal, book reviews, or books.

It will probably take someone on the outside introducing the link to them to really get the ball rolling.
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Buckeye86;2197532; said:
There are only 5 so far. I don't think many in the cult read the Wall Street Journal, book reviews, or books.

It will probably take someone on the outside introducing the link to them to really get the ball rolling.

Even then, the masses at BWI won't read any of it. They are all patiently waiting for somebody literate to do all that reading mumbo-jumbo and toss some criticisms into the echo chamber.
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NFBuck;2197527; said:

Nobody circles the wagons like a deranged, subhuman cult. I expect that article to have at least 1,000 comments from those mutants. [Mark May], maybe more.

Well, we're running out of room, and I'm NOT (FACT) taking out Zombie Icon.
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