ucfknight;2178786; said:
I grew up in Florida and when Bobby Bowden and UM were going through their shit, people who went to Penn State would call into local radio station saying you would never see Joe Pa do this, etc. So I am glad that he is being cut down to size and his legacy destroyed. Am I happy about the circumstances? no, but it is good to see Penn State get a taste of their medicine. DOes that make me a bad person? maybe.
With all due respect....FSU and the U weren't clean programs..IMO. Not ever. Much like I don't believe Bama is now . To be truthful...I'm sure tOSU has had things happen that I'd rather not ever have to hear about on the news. The difference is that JPedster and every fuck that has ever walked on that campus feels that they never have, and can never, do any wrong. JT, BB, NS and many other coaches across the land would never sit at a presser and say "I run the cleanest program in the land" Like JPedster did.
What you feel is the overwhelming desire to laugh at everyone of these fucks that talked moral high ground. The problem is that what you are laughing at didn't happen on the football field. It didn't happen because some booster got caught. It happened in the showers, the locker room and behind closed doors.
What's messed up to me is until the whole JT & Tat thing happened I'd cheer on any and all big teams to do well. A funny thing happened on the way to the bank though. Just because a few kids sold their personal items tOSU was the most evil thing in the history of college football. Other BIG fan bases actually believed that we only kicked their ass year after year after year was because we cheated somehow.
The way they all acted is a disgrace..and because of that I can tell you that I don't care if PSU gets napalmed tomorrow or the next day..I hope they don't win a conference game again this decade. I'm happy they are suffering as a fan base. Not thrilled about the reason why..but i'm pretty sure that this is only the most heinous thing, not the only thing, that PSU has gotten away with in the last 20+ years.
So no, you are not wrong in being happy about the demise in HV. You do however need to understand that I will be happy seeing the the same demise..and hopefully just a brutal beat down of each and everyone of our non-conference schedule opponents on our way to this years reckoning with our BIG brethren.