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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

This IS a big honor...

Wow, only six players invited to the Paramount theatre for draft day. I was under the impression they brought in a lot more (20 or so).

Good luck Vern, I hope you like Green :oh:
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According to ESPN Bottom Line, the Dolphins are discussing parameters of a contract with Gholston as well as Jake Long now.

Word out of Miami is Parcells wants best value on the contract, so whoever gives in a little, could become the #1 pick.

Interesting Miami thinks Gholston is the better player compared to Chris Long.
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billmac91;1136659; said:
According to ESPN Bottom Line, the Dolphins are discussing parameters of a contract with Gholston as well as Jake Long now.

Word out of Miami is Parcells wants best value on the contract, so whoever gives in a little, could become the #1 pick.

Interesting Miami thinks Gholston is the better player compared to Chris Long.


Reports: Dolphins negotiating with Long, Gholston

With the first overall selection in the 2008 NFL draft, the Miami Dolphins select ... Michigan offensive tackle Jake Long or Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston?
According to several reports out of South Florida, the Dolphins, who own the first overall selection in the draft, have begun contract negotiations with Long. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel is also reporting that the team is talking contract with Gholston.
Long, a 6-foot-7, 313-pound senior who moved to left tackle in 2006 and started his final 26 games, was an All-America selection and Big Ten lineman of the year in each of his last two seasons.
Gholston, a 6-foot-3, 266-pound senior, set a single-season Ohio State record for sacks with 14 in 2007.

Entire article: ESPN - Reports: Dolphins negotiating with Long, Gholston - NFL
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I heard about the possibility of Long being the first pick but the topic was "would you choose Long to give a 10 Million dollar signing bonus to" as befitting a N01 pick.
Apparently Parcells isn't too thrilled with the prospect of drafting a QB first.
Matt Ryan.
The thought kinda made me jump up.
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[quote='BusNative;113697;7]Where did you get this information? Jay and big Vern are not at all the same type of player, and the Raiders really liked Jay this year.[/quote]

In the previous page of this thread there's an article posted by Buckskin86 that says he'd likely replace Jay.
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Sack master will visit Rams
By Jim Thomas


Fear not, Rams fans, Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston says he can cure what ails the St. Louis pass rush.

"If you guys had 5 1/2 sacks last year, I'm definitely going to add to that," Gholston said.

Sadly, 5 1/2 sacks was the combined total for all the defensive ends on the team's roster last season.

"I had 14 this past year, and I'm looking to increase that," he said.

Gholston's sack total tied for third in the nation last season and set a school record. The Detroit native then turned pro a year early, and he arrives Sunday in St. Louis for a pre-draft visit with the Rams.

STLtoday - Sack master will visit Rams
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