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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

Mock draft 2.0: Gholston is the new No. 1

Team Pick Analysis
1. Miami Dolphins

Vernon Gholston
DE, Ohio State
Gholston is gathering momentum and is one of the players who has great skill, strength and potential to develop. I think Chris Long is still a strong candidate for this spot but Gholston is a rare athlete and his 30.5 tackles for loss and 22.5 sacks in the last two years may be the tip of the iceberg.

Previous mock pick: Chris Long
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On Vernon Gohlston and other Ohio State prospects ?
?Let?s start with Gohlston -- top 10 is pushing it. He?s even higher than that. I?d say top seven at worst. He?s going to be considered by the St. Louis Rams ? and then draw consideration form the New York Jets. I think that?s the key pick to see what they (Jets) do. Do they take Darren McFadden if he?s there or Vernon Gohlston? ?The lowest he falls is seven to New England.

?In terms of Ohio State overall, there?s a lot of talent that comes out of that program. ?Ohio State each year has been loaded with prospects. You have Todd Boeckman coming back and Jason Pryor coming in. Maurice Wells is a great running back and you have Alex Boone at the left tackle spot. And, the defensive side is led by (Cameron) Heyward and Malcolm Jenkins who could?ve been a first-round pick this year. ?For me Ohio State?s got to be recognized as one of the elite teams going into this season.?

Kiper: Ohio State elite; U-M's Jake Long to Miami?‏ | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
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spin360;1130081; said:
Kiper is an idiot.

On Vernon Gohlston and other Ohio State prospects ?
?Let?s start with Gohlston -- top 10 is pushing it. He?s even higher than that. I?d say top seven at worst. He?s going to be considered by the St. Louis Rams ? and then draw consideration form the New York Jets. I think that?s the key pick to see what they (Jets) do. Do they take Darren McFadden if he?s there or Vernon Gohlston? ?The lowest he falls is seven to New England.

?In terms of Ohio State overall, there?s a lot of talent that comes out of that program. ?Ohio State each year has been loaded with prospects. You have Todd Boeckman coming back and Jason Pryor coming in. Maurice Wells is a great running back and you have Alex Boone at the left tackle spot. And, the defensive side is led by (Cameron) Heyward and Malcolm Jenkins who could?ve been a first-round pick this year. ?For me Ohio State?s got to be recognized as one of the elite teams going into this season.?
I'm an idiot for ever quoting him as having Todd in his top 3 of senior QB's for next year.

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spin360;1130080; said:
Had no idea Heyward (is there more than one?) was eligible for the draft.
A comma after "Heyward" was all that was needed...like so:

And, the defensive side is led by (Cameron) Heyward, and Malcolm Jenkins who could?ve been a first-round pick this year

Actually, it reads better as:

And, the defensive side is led by (Cameron) Heyward, along with Malcolm Jenkins (who could've been a first-round pick this year).
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Buyer Beware on defensive end

Ohio State?s Vernon Gholston is considered a high-riser in the NFL Draft. Scouts have fallen in love with his potential, overlooking, perhaps, some inconsistencies from his college career.

?He?s top seven at worst,?? ESPN draft guru Mel Kiper Jr., said.

New England, picking seventh, could be his final destination. In the 3-4 front, Gholston could be used as a linebacker.

But not all have him up there, however. At least one AFC team gave him a second-round grade, even talking about dropping him to the third round.

?I?d be terrified if I took him in the first round,?? one scout said. ?He?s chiseled, he runs like the wind and he?s not dumb. But if you look on film, he has three great games and the rest of the season he?s watching the game.??

Where the buck stops - Examiner.com
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But not all have him up there, however. At least one AFC team gave him a second-round grade, even talking about dropping him to the third round.

?I?d be terrified if I took him in the first round,?? one scout said. ?He?s chiseled, he runs like the wind and he?s not dumb. But if you look on film, he has three great games and the rest of the season he?s watching the game.??

Sounds like this guy is trying to influence the teams ahead of him to pass on Vernon. :wink2:
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It isn't often that you get a behind the scenes look at the Bengals brains trust :wink2:

But not all have him up there, however. At least one AFC team gave him a second-round grade, even talking about dropping him to the third round.

?I?d be terrified if I took him in the first round,?? one scout said. ?He?s chiseled, he runs like the wind and he?s not dumb. But if you look on film, he has three great games and the rest of the season he?s watching the game.??

Or someone dumber than even their scouting department .. :tongue2:
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Posted by Mike Florio on April 9, 2008, 9:20 p.m.

At a time when many league observers believe that the Oakland Raiders won?t be able to resist the 4.33 speed of running back Darren McFadden with the fourth overall pick in the draft, a league source tells us that there are ?strong indications? that the Raiders will select Ohio State linebacker/defensive end Vernon Gholston.

Gholston?s stock has improved dramatically as a result of pre-draft workouts. If drafted by the Raiders, he would likely supplant Jay Richardson at right defensive end.

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