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DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

stowfan;1942548; said:
I know it's touchy commenting on students grades, but I'm really curious about Se'Von. The UM posters claim he wanted to commit to UM but they turned him down due to grades. From reading this thread, I got the impression he was pretty much all set.

If he's enrolling early, I don't see how grades can be an issue.
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stowfan;1942548; said:
I know it's touchy commenting on students grades, but I'm really curious about Se'Von. The UM posters claim he wanted to commit to UM but they turned him down due to grades. From reading this thread, I got the impression he was pretty much all set.

He's smart. He got at least a 27 on his ACT. Grades weren't a problem. UM is lieing.
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stowfan;1942548; said:
I know it's touchy commenting on students grades, but I'm really curious about Se'Von. The UM posters claim he wanted to commit to UM but they turned him down due to grades. From reading this thread, I got the impression he was pretty much all set.

Some UM fans think anyone who turns them down has some issue. For Pittman, some of them are claiming it is grades. It is pretty sad that they stoop to those levels.
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