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DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

Sam Webb: Let's talk about Se'Von Pittman. For a while the Pittman-to-Ohio State sentiment seemed to be just as strong as the Wormley-to-Michigan opinions. What about now? Are Michigan and Michigan State suddenly more viable in the race for his services thanks to everything that is going on?

Dave Berk: I think that kid is going to stay in the Midwest. I think you can look at Notre Dame, Michigan State and Michigan as programs that should probably jump above Ohio State right now with him. We have to keep in mind that it may not be the cool thing to say Ohio State has dropped on your list if you're an Ohio kid. You never want to come out and say that.

Bill Greene: I have known Se'Von since he was 12. I think I know him pretty well. He's another one that I don't think is going to go a thousand miles from home to college. I could be wrong, but I think with Se'Von Pittman it is a two-team race with Michigan and Ohio State. Everyone else is trying to get in where they can fit in. I think he is going to visit Alabama, I think he is going to visit Florida, but I think in the end he is going to stay close to his mom and play in the Midwest. Three months ago I would have said done deal Ohio State ? total lock Ohio State. I certainly wouldn't say that today.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110602...-impact-recruiting-for-U-M--MSU#ixzz1Om9VP8E5
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Scout $ - Four-Star Names Top Five


By The Bank...will visit Auburn and Alabama this summer...also will visit Michigan and MSU...talks about how the JT situation will and won't affect his decision...top five of Auburn, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State and Notre Dame.
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Nothing like Alabama in August... never knew humidity could get to 150%... remember being there in a suit... and before the meeting STARTED I was soaked to the bone with my hair completely matted to my head... shirt glued to my body...
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DE Se?Von Pittman, 6-4, 225, Canton (Ohio) McKinley: The teammate of 2011 OSU signee Steve Miller, Pittman is a four-star defensive end who is being chased by some of the best programs in America. He told Greene on June 9 that he has Ohio State in his top five along with Auburn, Michigan, Michigan State and Notre Dame.

?Regarding Coach Tressel, I have to say in some ways it does affect my decision, but in some ways it doesn?t,? he said. ?I was starting to build a bond with him and we were getting close, so that's bad. But, at the same time, I have to do what?s best for me, so if I was going to go to Ohio State, it would be because that?s where I want to be.?

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"Talking to Coach Fickell, he seems like he has a lot of Coach Tressel's ways, and that's something I can relate to," said Canton McKinley defensive end Se'Von Pittman, a major OSU target who didn't take part in the camp but surprised OSU coaches by showing up to talk and earned a private audience with Fickell.

"I wasn't even considering them that much because of the [NCAA] situation, but talking with the coaching staff, I put them back in the race a little bit."

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Scout $ - Bucks Back In It For Pittman?


Video by The Bank.....Attended the Ohio State Senior Camp this weekend. Says he originally stopped considering Ohio State once Tressel resigned, however, says the Buckeyes are back in the race after talking with the coaching staff this weekend. Visiting Louisville & Oregon in the coming weeks. No timetable for a decision.
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