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DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

starBUCKS;1942156; said:
One year isn't going to kill a program, have a good 3rd ranked recruiting class coming in, and pretty deep on the end position.

Best of luck Se'Von
Exactly, one class is hardly a disaster. The 2003 recruiting class was nearly a total wash and tOSU still got to BCSNCG is 2006 and '07. Just have to hope the sanctions get sorted out, aren't too severe, get a permanent coach, and maybe pluck some surprises the weeks leading up to NLOID.
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BuckeyeMike80;1942163; said:
ummm yeah....


Good luck to the kid, but this is hardly a reason to start cliff-jumping again.

I think that you're taking my quote out of context. I've never been a cliff jumper and will never be one in the future. This recruiting class will just be very mediocre compared to those that we have gotten used to. I mean some of this kids who were heavy OSU leans are picking other schools and I'm not very excited about Wormley or Odenigbo either.
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shiznit7;1942183; said:
I think that you're taking my quote out of context. I've never been a cliff jumper and will never be one in the future. This recruiting class will just be very mediocre compared to those that we have gotten used to. I mean some of this kids who were heavy OSU leans are picking other schools and I'm not very excited about Wormley or Odenigbo either.

Still too early to declare it anything, good, great, poor, or any other adjective. It was never going to be a very large class but we still have time and several high impact kids on the board.
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This is tough to watch happening. We're getting killed right now and August can't get here soon enough to shed, hopefully some positive light on where the program will be with penalties. :( There will still be time to get a good class but the best seem to be committing right now.
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1) if all we do is keep the kids that have already committed it will still be a pretty darn good class. In fact our average "star" ranking will probably be 1st or 2nd in the conference.
2) maybe I'm out of the loop here but I'm not expecting anything to happen in August besides another round of media bashing. I have not been led to expect a decision in August, just the hearing.
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crazybuckeye;1942202; said:
1) if all we do is keep the kids that have already committed it will still be a pretty darn good class. In fact our average "star" ranking will probably be 1st or 2nd in the conference.
2) maybe I'm out of the loop here but I'm not expecting anything to happen in August besides another round of media bashing. I have not been led to expect a decision in August, just the hearing.

I would think that if the NCAA were going to amend their finding to add something else that has come to their attention or to add a failure to monitor or lack of institutional control, we would know by the hearing.

Can any expects on here confirm?
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Taosman;1942192; said:
This is tough to watch happening. We're getting killed right now and August can't get here soon enough to shed, hopefully some positive light on where the program will be with penalties. :( There will still be time to get a good class but the best seem to be committing right now.
August will shed some light, but it's gonna be tough to get any real recruiting momentum until it's known who the coaching staff in going to be in 2012. Like I said earlier, best bet right now is to tread water, get some lower rated/sleeper kinda kids that really want to be Buckeyes, then hope to snag some commits in January/February when we have a clear plan in place as far as the coaching staff goes.

One thing to remmeber, some of these kids that were presumed to be Buckeye leans and are committing elsewhere may give another look once the picture is a little clearer. Hard to expect anything right now with so much uncertainty looming.
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Its going to be ok folks....the party has slowed down but we knew it eventually would (just not like this)...we havnt always had the best classes things will pick back up eventually

Better MSU than Michigan...I do not want any one team to benefit from our loss of momentum

Good luck
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