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DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

TresselstillownsTSUN;1999679; said:
Have a hard time seeing the staff granting him access to the sideline if he was only there to see Steve. Maybe he's just trying to keep the heat off himself.

Step 1: NCAA does not hammer the program in a couple of weeks when they close the NOA.

Step 2: Either Luke EARNS the permanent gig or we name a big time coach

Step 3: Longer term coaching staff shows Se'Von some love

Step 4: Measure him for his S&G jersey.
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Sam Webb: Canton (Ohio) McKinley defensive end Se'Von Pittman is Michigan State's top commitment, but last weekend he visited Ohio State. Is there any reason for Spartan fans to be concerned?

Dave Berk: I think kids in today's recruiting world still sometimes wonder, "Did I make the right choice?" Right now, I think Se'Von is saying all the right things by saying he is still a Spartan and that he is still 100 percent on board with Michigan State. But at the same time, he has got a former high school teammate, Steve Miller, who is at Ohio State and I'm sure that is in his ear. But I know that he gave a commitment to Mark Dantonio and Mark Dantonio is not one to push kids into a commitment. Right now I think he ends up at Michigan State. There are still a lot of questions going on at Ohio State. There is uncertainty as far as what the future holds with their coaches and with the NCAA. Right now, I would say he will be a Spartan.

Allen Trieu: Any time one of your commits visits another school I think there is reason for concern. That said, he came out and said he was still committed to Michigan State and he was just there checking out his teammate from last year, Steve Miller, who is a freshman at Ohio State now, which makes sense. I think you've got to keep an eye on, but it is nothing to lose sleep over right now.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110929...rtans?-chances-with-top-targets#ixzz1ZR5yg2Xh
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Scout $ - Pittmans Enjoys Spartan Official


By The Bank.....Recaps his official visit this past weekend to Michigan State. Talks to Coach Fickell from time to time & is expecting Coach Fickell to visit him at school in the next few weeks. Says he might take an official to Ohio State, but isn't sure yet.
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MD Buckeye;2015755; said:
Scout $ - Pittmans Enjoys Spartan Official


By The Bank.....Recaps his official visit this past weekend to Michigan State. Talks to Coach Fickell from time to time & is expecting Coach Fickell to visit him at school in the next few weeks. Says he might take an official to Ohio State, but isn't sure yet.

wow this is great. He went from saying OSU wasnt even recruiting him, to he might take an official.
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osugrad21;2017695; said:
BN$--Does OSU Have A Shot At Pittman?

'As of right now' was a frequent answer when asked about his MSU commitment. He was very impressed Coach Fickell came to watch him play but 'as of right now' he is solid to MSU...but is still interested in tOSU.

I think we get him! I just wish he would come on an official next weekend...That atmosphere is going to be NUTS!
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But GlenOak wasn't the only place he stopped.

Fickell went to Fawcett Stadium and watched the second half of McKinley's impressive win against Boardman. Ohio State still is recruiting Se'Von Pittman, the large McKinley defensive end. He verbally committed to Michigan State, but nothing is final until the ink is dry on the letter of intent. However, I think Pittman is a solid Spartan commit. Teammate Jermaine Edmondson also is going to East Lansing.
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