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DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

And Meyer may steal another Stark County recruit. McKinley defensive end Se?Von Pittman, once a pretty solid Michigan State recruit, is taking a visit to Ohio State to chat with Meyer and look at the school.

McKinley head coach Ron Johnson said he believed Pittman was a pretty solid verbal for the Spartans, but the hiring of Meyer has extended beyond exciting OSU?s massive fan base.

?Both (Jermaine Edmondson also committed to Michigan State) have said they are solid,? Johnson said. ?Nothing at Michigan State has changed. They committed to the coach up there and nothing has changed on those staffs.?

Johnson has a good approach to recruiting. Once a player verbally commits to a school, Johnson will periodically check in with that player to make sure that verbal commitment is still solid. When opposing coaches come through during the season, there is a limit on what Johnson will allow those coaches to do with players who already have committed.

One reason for committing early is to eliminate the recruiting distraction.

?We have the guys take their time and put a lot of thought into it,? Johnson said. ?We give them a matrix and discuss whether it?s the right place. The hardest thing during this process is for a young man to say no to someone, because they develop a relationship with the recruiting coaches. Telling him I?ve committed somewhere else is difficult.

?It is the responsibility of the high school coach to make public he?s verbally committed and be that buffer. It?s unfair to put them in that position.?

During the season, Luke Fickell came to a game at Fawcett Stadium. Many people assumed it was to look at Pittman. That may be partially true, but Fickell was mostly allowed to look and get information on lineman Xzavier McAllister, a 6-foot-6, 325-pound junior.

There is a loyalty factor in coaching that is respected at McKinley. If Pittman had verbally committed to Ohio State, Buckeye coaches would appreciate it if Pittman wasn?t inundated weekly with visits from opposing Big Ten coaches.

?Last year with Steve Miller, when he committed to Ohio State ... you know how many times Lane Kiffin called? How many times Les Miles called?? Johnson said. ?I check with the guys to make sure they?re still good. It is unfair for them to be bombarded their senior year if they committed early and don?t want that.?


he?ll steal Pittman away from Michigan State.

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?Last year with Steve Miller, when he committed to Ohio State ... you know how many times Lane Kiffin called? How many times Les Miles called?? Johnson said. ?I check with the guys to make sure they?re still good. It is unfair for them to be bombarded their senior year if they committed early and don?t want that.?

I agree that coaches should leave kids alone. The exception being new coaches who wish to convey their interest.
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Notice how Dantonio isn't taking a stand here. 'Cause if MD tells Pittman, if you keep talking to/visiting Ohio State, we won't consider you a commit to Michigan State anymore .. Pittman is gone, if he's not gone already. I can't see a way where Pittman isn't a buckeye.
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JonBenke;2057950; said:
Notice how Dantonio isn't taking a stand here. 'Cause if MD tells Pittman, if you keep talking to/visiting Ohio State, we won't consider you a commit to Michigan State anymore .. Pittman is gone, if he's not gone already. I can't see a way where Pittman isn't a buckeye.

Dantonio wouldn't say something like that to his recruits. It's all a part of recruiting.
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This is completely hypothetical but you think if Tyvis Powell called Urban Meyer and told him he planned to take a visit to Michigan State, Urban wouldn't say something similar to what Hoke said to Pharaoh Brown? Get real. I am 100% fine with what Hoke did and I think plenty of other coaches take the exact same approach.

Back to Pittman...we can start another thread to discuss players committed to one school and visiting another if we need to.
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TooTallMenardo;2057952; said:
Dantonio wouldn't say something like that to his recruits. It's all a part of recruiting.
Texas does this all the time, and it seems to work pretty well for them.

I know of a few others that do this as well... I understand the process.

Merih;2057954; said:
Hoke would, and has. See Pharoah Brown.
And just because Hoke did it, doesn't make it wrong.
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wadc45;2057961; said:
This is completely hypothetical but you think if Tyvis Powell called Urban Meyer and told him he planned to take a visit to Michigan State, Urban wouldn't say something similar to what Hoke said to Pharaoh Brown? Get real. I am 100% fine with what Hoke did and I think plenty of other coaches take the exact same approach.

Back to Pittman...we can start another thread to discuss players committed to one school and visiting another if we need to.
Sorry for the hijack, was just posting on how I honestly think Pittman could easily end up a buckeye.
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I wasn't saying it was bad, was just giving an immediate example. I know there are cases of this all over the country. I don't think it's a bad practice.

I agree with wad that it's a topic for a different thread.
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Same goes for Pittman as does Dodson...as of now he remains committed to MSU and has made no public indication that he intends to visit OSU at this time. Should that change we will update this thread as needed...

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