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DE Melvin Fellows (official thread)

Not to be "that guy"...

but is there any concern about a young adult changing this verbal as easily as he changed his last?

Wait- what was I thinking... He just verballed to THE Ohio State University. Where else would he want to go? :biggrin:

Welcome 'home' Melvin!!
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Awsome news!!! Insiders all kept sayin it was just a matter of time! Now.. will Hall follow? Either way it is awsome awesome news!!
Welcome to the Buckeye Nation Melvin. Sure glad you will be wearing the S&G!!
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Scout.com: Fighting The Illini No More

By Bill Greene
Staff Writer
Posted Apr 24, 2008

One of the most sought-after prospects in the state of Ohio, Melvin Fellows surprised many people when he issued a verbal commitment to Illinois back in December. But following a trip to Columbus for Ohio State's spring game, Bill Greene has word that the defensive end prospect has changed his mind and will play his college ball for the Buckeyes.

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