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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

"its funny how quickly people forget that Thad said, he there was a 65-70% chance to commit to ohio state, and tennesee was 2nd on the list."

I just hope Thad hasn't forgotten that.

I also wish I was as certain as some of you are that he'll be a Buckeye.
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"its funny how quickly people forget that Thad said, he there was a 65-70% chance to commit to ohio state, and tennesee was 2nd on the list."

I just hope Thad hasn't forgotten that.

I also wish I was as certain as some of you are that he'll be a Buckeye.

how many different people have to say the same thing? Duane Long, Chris Nida, nevadabuck, HH, all the mods over here, etc...everyone says the same thing...he is a Buckeye.
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I'm not saying any of the insiders are wrong wadc45, I'm just waiting to hear it from the young man himself.

Is that ok with you?

We all would like to hear it from the recruits themselves, but there are times you're just going to have to take the word of those who are in-the-know. If they say "He's a Buckeye, pending grades", then you can pretty much take it to the bank.
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We all would like to hear it from the recruits themselves, but there are times you're just going to have to take the word of those who are in-the-know. If they say "He's a Buckeye, pending grades", then you can pretty much take it to the bank.

I understand your point Mililani, and maybe I got off on the wrong foot here. I've never questioned the opinions of those who are in-the-know, and never will. I readily admit they know much more than I about these kids.

But with past history showing that things can and do happen (S. McClover, N. Bowman, C. McCarthy, ...) it worries me when people talk in absolute terms regarding a 17 year old recruit.

I guess I've made my point and I'll drop it. Hopefully this issue will be moot come Monday, and we'll all be happy. :osu2:
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I understand your point Mililani, and maybe I got off on the wrong foot here. I've never questioned the opinions of those who are in-the-know, and never will. I readily admit they know much more than I about these kids.

But with past history showing that things can and do happen (S. McClover, N. Bowman, C. McCarthy, ...) it worries me when people talk in absolute terms regarding a 17 year old recruit.

I guess I've made my point and I'll drop it. Hopefully this issue will be moot come Monday, and we'll all be happy. :osu2:

your concern is understood. the difference here is Gibson is different from those other kids. Bowman was torn between OSU and PSU and had many people saying he was headed one way or the other. he even gave different info to different sources. McGlover flat out screwed over OSU. he verbally committed and waited until signing day to announce he had changed his decision, a change that was made weeks prior. McCarthy was only a priority for this staff if we were not able to land the like of Gibson and Johnson. Larry Grant will more than adequately fill that spot if Colin decides to stay at home at Miami, which seems likely at this point. Gibson will be a Buckeye...
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Not to mention that Navarro Bowman, Stanley McGlover, and Colin McCarthy are all OOS kids, while Gibson is a Euclid kid. Usually easier to nail down what a "local" kids is gong to do (well, except for Fred Davis).
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Rivals $ (BSB)


JT is set to visit Thaddeus next Tuesday. Coach Beckman will be at his basketball game tonight. Tennessee was in on Wednesday, and scUM was in yesterday. He will decide sometime next week. tOSU and Tennessee lead. Thaddeus believes he will get it done when it comes to qualifying.

Very telling comments from Gibson for anyone that may be concerned...
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