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DB Rodjay Burns (transfer to Louisville Cardinals)

Re: Burns is the second player at his position to announce his intentions to leave the Buckeyes in the last week — the program confirmed Joshua Norwood's transfer on Tuesday.

Reading between the lines here, I'm saying some (if not all) of the incoming class of DBs (i.e. Shawn Wade, Amir Riep, Jeffery Okudah, Isaiah Pryor, Marcus Williamson, and Kendall Sheffield) must really be good and probably have already passed Norwood and Burns on the depth chart.
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Re: Burns is the second player at his position to announce his intentions to leave the Buckeyes in the last week — the program confirmed Joshua Norwood's transfer on Tuesday.

Reading between the lines here, I'm saying some (if not all) of the incoming class of DBs (i.e. Shawn Wade, Amir Riep, Jeffery Okudah, Isaiah Pryor, Marcus Williamson, and Kendall Sheffield) must really be good and probably have already passed Norwood and Burns on the depth chart.

Best of luck to Rodjay and yes, this.
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Re: Burns is the second player at his position to announce his intentions to leave the Buckeyes in the last week — the program confirmed Joshua Norwood's transfer on Tuesday.

Reading between the lines here, I'm saying some (if not all) of the incoming class of DBs (i.e. Shawn Wade, Amir Riep, Jeffery Okudah, Isaiah Pryor, Marcus Williamson, and Kendall Sheffield) must really be good and probably have already passed Norwood and Burns on the depth chart.
Best of luck to Rodjay and yes, this.
THIS! Was thinking the same. I'm glad that he can get closer to home, and get with a program that he was originally attracted to. I'm sure getting on the field will be much easier as well.
And I'm sure not only the 2017 kids, but what they're hoping to bring in, in 2018 as well is making it tough on kids currently on the roster who haven't seen a large amount of PT
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The recruitment of Burns was an interesting one: he was committed to Louisville, then flipped to Ohio State, flipped again to Louisville (never officially de-committed from the Buckeyes, however), and finally back to Ohio State, where he played one season, recorded a tackle, and a pick-six.

During his redshirt sophomore campaign this season, Burns has played meaningful minutes for the Cardinals, recording 27 tackles, and one interception, which came in the Cardinals' loss to Virginia.

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