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DB Rodjay Burns (transfer to Louisville Cardinals)

Its not really odd when you're battling the hometown team ...

It is still odd. Usually they go from the home town team to another team back to the home town team in a weak. Usually in the case where people are torn lik that they either decommit or say they are going to announce on NSD but don't completely flip and them flip back i back to their original commit in a week. I'd say 90+% of decommits never recommit to the school they decommited from.
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It is still odd. Usually they go from the home town team to another team back to the home town team in a weak. Usually in the case where people are torn lik that they either decommit or say they are going to announce on NSD but don't completely flip and them flip back i back to their original commit in a week. I'd say 90+% of decommits never recommit to the school they decommited from.
Its recruiting. Using past experiences means next to nothing. The hometown team is almost always a threat, especially if he was previously committed there. I'm fine if he flips but I can see him doing big things in S&G. Much crazier things happen in recruiting, and nothing is final until the paper is faxed in
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Its recruiting. Using past experiences means next to nothing. The hometown team is almost always a threat, especially if he was previously committed there. I'm fine if he flips but I can see him doing big things in S&G. Much crazier things happen in recruiting, and nothing is final until the paper is faxed in

Indeed recruiting is very all over the place. Some kids are logical others are emotional. So take all their visits, others seem to commit every time they visit a new place. So on and so forth. No real point in worry about it until they step on the football somewhere and even then can be a roller coaster ride.
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I believe he is staying with OSU...even retweeted a pic of his buddy who is committed to EKU with the has tags #Buckeye and #colonel. Seems pretty apparent he is staying in this class.
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