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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

Gatorubet;1976489; said:
Malcolm made a great play at the goal line, launching himself to slap the ball away from the Raider receiver, classic tip drill stuff that his team mate caught for a drive ending INT. :banger:

Yesss ziirrrrr. Collinsworth also said him being out last year @ Seattle was the reason they lost.
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Saints: Malcolm Jenkins Post Game Sound

The Saints defense was tough on the Chicago Bears. The defense had six sacks on quarterback Jay Cutler. The Saints were also heavy hitters. Roman Harper hit Earl Bennett so hard that he was not able to return to the game.

"That was one of the emphasis, to come out and be physical. A lot of people try to mark us as a finesse team, we wanted to make an emphasis this week, we were out there hitting," Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins said.

Jenkins had 5 tackles on the day, and when he brought someone done it was with a hard hit. Jenkins talks about how the defense stepped it up a notch.

"Third down was the biggest emphasis and we did a great job, especially our corners doing a lot, knocking some balls down. Our offense putting up some points allowed us to play them one dimensionally, we knew what they had to do. When the offense puts up oints, it allows us to play the style of defense we want." Jenkins said.

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Do you have any young guys that have stepped into leadership roles on your unit?

"Malcolm Jenkins has been an amazing young man taking over at the back end and during the two weeks Will Smith wasn't' here. Malcolm was one of our defensive captains. He's a very vocal person. Leadership is earned by example before you listen to somebody's voice. It doesn't make any difference how old you are. People don't necessarily listen to older players that don't do things right. You have to set a good example before anybody's going to listen to you as far as verbal leadership. Malcolm deserves the opportunity for people to listen to him because of the example he sets. He's done a very good job with that."

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Malcolm in the Middle - NFL Network

Roman Harper hit leads to Steve Smith-Malcolm Jenkins fight
Posted by Michael David Smith on October 9, 2011

Tempers flared in Carolina today, and it should come as no surprise that the hot-tempered Steve Smith was in the middle of things — but Smith had every right to be angry when he was on the receiving end of a cheap shot after scoring a touchdown.

It all started with a great play by Smith, who out-jumped Jabari Greer to catch a Cam Newton pass, then shoved Greer to the ground and raced to the end zone for a touchdown. Smith had clearly already crossed the goal line when Saints defensive back Roman Harper drilled him, drawing a penalty for a late hit.

At first Smith didn’t react, but when players from both teams got into a scrum in the end zone, Smith began fighting with Saints defensive back Malcolm Jenkins. Smith ended up yanking Jenkins by the facemask, and players on both teams were pushing and shoving. Newton was among the players who ran into the end zone to get into the middle of things.

Harper was the only player called for a penalty (15 yards on the ensuing kickoff), and no one was ejected. But it was an ugly scene that’s likely to result in several players being fined.

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AuTX Buckeye;2010383; said:
I missed this... did Harper hit him or did Jenkins? it looked like #27 but everyone i've heard says Harper hit him....

It was Harper. After the play a number of players got into a scuffle in the endzone and somehow Malcolm ended up in the middle of it. But no, he wasn't involved in the play itself.
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Saints FS Jenkins ready, willing to lead
By Dan Parr

Inconsistency has defined the Saints over the past month, and their defense has struggled against mediocre offenses, including those of the Buccaneers and Rams. FS Malcolm Jenkins has had his down moments like just about everyone else, but he has been one of the steadier players and is getting more comfortable speaking up and taking on a leadership role as he enters the second half of his third season. Head coach Sean Payton seems pleased with that development. "Malcolm Jenkins has really emerged as a guy that has great focus and has a strong personality about him," Payton said on Nov. 3. Jenkins is not as established as veteran leaders like Drew Brees, Jonathan Vilma and Will Smith, but his words carry weight in large part because of his work ethic and performance on the field. He has developed into one of the league's top free safeties since moving to the position from cornerback after his rookie year. He challenges himself and his teammates to get better.

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Saints Home ? Saints Headlines ? NFL News
New Orleans Saints FS Malcolm Jenkins Media Q&A (Nov. 7, 2011)
Monday, 07 November 2011
By: Justin Macione (New Orleans Saints)

New Orleans Saints Safety Malcolm Jenkins

Media Availability

Monday, November 7, 2011

Did you talk to Tracy Porter at all? How is he doing?

?I saw him this morning. It looks like he?s doing pretty good. It wasn?t as serious as it looked. He?s in good spirits. We?ll just wait to see what they say about his neck.?

Tony Gonzalez is a guy who has given the defense and Roman Harper fits. He?s obviously a great player and great players sometimes make plays regardless. How do you attempt to manage that?

?The funny thing is the first time we played them last year, we double-teamed them and we had a huge game. The second game, we just let Roman cover him one-on-one and he had a quieter day, although he still had some catches. The problem with him is he catches anything in his range. Matt Ryan does a great job of putting it close to his body. He (Gonzalez) does a great job with his body in boxing defenders out. He might not be running as fast as he used to, but he?s still savvy enough to get in between the defender and the ball. It?s almost guaranteed once the ball is that close.?

Coach Payton has been stressing November football for this team. What do you take from that?

?Last year was the same thing, even the year before that. This is the month in which you separate from being a playoff contender or not. Teams that win in November are usually teams that make the playoffs. You really position yourself as far as playoff standings in this month and in December you really finish, based on where you are coming out of the month of November. This is a big month for us, having had Tampa last week and the Falcons this week and with the season we?ve had, this is a defining point in our season to see where we?re going to head.?


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neln88omyCo"]ATL FALCONS LOSE IN CLASSIC 3PT GAME vs SAINTS 26-23OT (11-13-11) - YouTube[/ame]

Look the 3:27 mark, where Malcolm times it perfectly - and splits the gap to meet the ball carrier a few yards behind the line of scrimmage on a 4th and dumb play, sealing the Saints' victory.

I love me some Malcolm Jenkins. Great athlete. Great person.
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