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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

jwinslow;1928947; said:
Malcolm interviewed on the radio, skip to the second half

http://is.gd/5R9umy #TheMorningJones

I should ding you. I listened for a good twenty seconds after Malcolm was gone, and those...can't express what those two guys are. In his corny ass *Simpson's wacky morning DJ voice* "I'll tell you one thing...he sure thinks better of Jim Tressel than I do! Well the easy argument to that is, well, he actually knows him...but let me tell you something...he thinks more of Jim Tressel than I do"

What. A. Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit.
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Malcolm Jenkins mailbag: Which position do you prefer to play?
As we all know and have seen, you started off as a corner in the NFL, then shifted over to the free safety position a year later. Aside from doing your part and playing where Greg Williams tells you to, which of the two do you feel most comfortable and prefer to play?
Steve Albarado, Ventura, Calif.
Last year I played Corner, Nickel, and Free Safety. I love being able to be all over the place because offenses never know what position I'm at.
If I had to choose one, I think I would choose Free Safety. I get to use my intelligence and my range to my advantage.
At Corner, you are out on an island and it's really all about technique and footwork. If one thing goes wrong you are usually TOAST! Quite honestly it's stressful.
At safety I have a lot of freedom and I can focus on the things I've studied all week and I'm a lot less stressed going into the games. Also the safety is the QB of the secondary, and I like having the responsibility to make all of the calls and checks because it makes you think.
Part 1 - Mailbag question Part I: How has Darren Sharper helped your development?
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Jenkins Reacts to Scandal at his Alma Mater
Reported by: Sean Fazende, Sports
Email: [email protected]
Contributor: Edwin Goode, Photographer
Last Update: 6/08


Saints former number one draft pick Malcolm Jenkins (John Snell)

Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins was a senior when then freshman quarterback Terrelle Pryor stepped on Ohio State?s campus.

?You spend a lot of time together in college,? Jenkins said. ?But I didn?t necessarily hang out with him too much.?

And that?s probably a good thing, because two years later, Pryor?s career in Columbus is now done amid scandal.

With an NCAA investigation on the horizon, Jenkins said Pryor?s premature exit was only a matter of time.

?It wasn?t a surprise. Once Tressel left and they announced they were going to investigate,? Jenkins said. ?I?m not really surprised he decided to leave.?

At the center of the controversy was Pryor allegedly receiving improper benefits from a tattoo parlor.

Jenkins said players got tattoos all the time when he was a student but had no knowledge of any improper gifts being given.

?Everybody gets tattoos. I don?t know where they got them from for free,? Jenkins added. ?I wasn?t necessarily aware of places giving guys a hook-up.?

Regardless of who received what, Jenkins feels the person who got the worst was his former Buckeye head coach Jim Tressel who stepped down last week.

?I feel bad for Tressel; I think he?s the scapegoat in this whole thing. Really, he just wanted to protect his players. I know from experience being there for four years and how he runs that program. He?s a man of integrity."

As for his alma mater, Jenkins, like most of the Buckeye nation, looks forward to brighter days.

?I think we are all just ready to move from this era and start rebuilding.?

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Breaking down the safeties: New Orleans
July, 5, 2011
By Pat Yasinskas

Scouts Inc.'s Matt Williamson breaks down the safeties of each NFC South team. Today: New Orleans Saints.

Malcolm Jenkins, a 2009 first-rounder, entered the league as a big cornerback. He is a bit stiff in the hips for the aggressive schemes the Saints use -- they ask a lot from their cornerbacks -- and has now found a home at free safety. With more seasoning at his new position, Jenkins has a chance to be an excellent free safety. Gregg Williams will ask him to do a little of everything. He will cover slot wideouts, blitz, play the run, play man coverage against tight ends, play the deep half and act as a true centerfielder. He isn?t a thumper in the run game or a great tackler, and his angles and recognition need work. But he hasn?t played the position long, and these things could really improve as soon as next season. A breakout season could be in the cards for Jenkins.

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New Orleans Saints' Malcolm Jenkins continues to step up his game
Published: Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Chris Abshire, The Times-Picayune

The New Orleans Saints' Malcolm Jenkins doesn't have as much at stake in the NFL lockout's resolution terms as many of his teammates and peers do.


David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune
Connor McCarthy, left, and Jamaal Scott have a funny moment with New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins during the Malcolm Jenkins Foundation football camp at Pan American Stadium on Monday.

Jenkins, a two-year veteran entering the third year of a five-year, $19 million contract, knows he will be a Saint when the NFL's labor dispute is settled.

"My only concern is being in shape when things get going," Jenkins said. "I'm lucky because there's so many guys that don't know where they'll be. That's a hard burden to carry all offseason."

Despite an offseason free of official team functions, Jenkins said he has taken it upon himself to maintain a rigorous workout routine.

"I've been working out almost every day," he said. "Whether it was the camps we had at Tulane or when I went up to Minnesota a few weeks ago to get in some work, I stayed busy. At the same time, it's been nice to do things I've always wanted to do like fishing or getting my foundation off the ground."


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NFC South's biggest future stars
July, 14, 2011
By Pat Yasinskas

Malcolm Jenkins, Saints free safety. With Brees and Jonathan Vilma, the Saints have the best natural leadership in the NFC South at the moment. Wherever Brees and Vilma are in 2014 through 2016, the Saints will be near the top of the heap.

That?s because they have a superstar in the making in Jenkins, who comes with the same kind of intangibles as Brees and Vilma. At its core, football comes down to making big plays and winning games. As a first-year starter last season, Jenkins showed he can do that.

Remember the Thanksgiving Day game in Dallas? The Saints were on the verge of losing when Jenkins came from behind and stripped the ball from receiver Roy Williams. The Saints ended up winning and coach Sean Payton said Jenkins made ?one of those plays that inspires everybody on the team.?? Two weeks later, he did it again, intercepting St. Louis? Sam Bradford twice and returning one of them for a touchdown.

Jenkins came out of college with all the physical tools, but people around the Saints will tell you they?re even more impressed with his work on the practice field and in the film room. There should be a lot more inspiring plays from Jenkins in the future.

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