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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

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New Orleans free safety Malcolm Jenkins is wise beyond his years
Published: Monday, August 01, 2011
By Jeff Duncan, The Times-Picayune


Eliot Kamenitz/The Times-Picayune
Malcolm Jenkins could go down as one of the all-time best Saints players, says defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.

Gregg Williams can be prone to exaggeration.

In his first meeting with reporters at training camp on Saturday, the New Orleans Saints' loquacious defensive coordinator dropped a doozy about free safety Malcolm Jenkins.

"If he stays healthy, he'll go down as one of the better Saints of all-time," Williams said.

That's a bold statement, even by Williams' hyperbolic standards, but he insists it isn't just idle bluster. He thoroughly believes Jenkins is the complete package.

New Orleans has enjoyed a long line of outstanding safeties over the years, from Tommy Myers to Sammy Knight to Darren Sharper, and Saints coaches believe Jenkins can one day join the group as a Pro Bowler, maybe as soon as this season.

"He's really become an outstanding player, and it's happening right in front of our eyes," Saints Coach Sean Payton said.



Jenkins steadies the defensive backfield
Free safety Malcolm Jenkins is entering only his third season in the NFL and second at safety but it’s clear he’s on his way to being one of the better players on the Saints defense.

He has intercepted quarterback Drew Brees two times in either 7-on-7 or team drills, broken up several other passes with great reads and shown tremendous leadership to the youth of the secondary. He’s the only safety under contract and practicing right now (Roman Harper, Chris Reis, Pierson Prioleau all can’t practice until CBA is fully ratified).

“He’s a smart player,” Payton said. “The decisions he makes on the field are generally the right one. He’s in great shape, which is very important to him. He’s really become an outstanding player and it’s happening right in front of our eyes. We saw signs of it in his rookie season, and we certainly saw it in his contributions last year.”

Jenkins, for what it’s worth, doesn’t give himself credit for intercepting Brees during practice.

“I’ve always learned that if you pick Drew Brees off, it’s nothing that you did; he probably made a mistake,” Jenkins said. “You just take it and be quiet because, if he targets you out it’s going to be a long day for you.”

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The most impressive defensive players is free safety Malcolm Jenkins. Jenkins has emerged as the most talented defensive player on the Saints roster. Middle linebacker Jonathan Vilma is a very good football player and a tremendous team leader, but Jenkins looks like someone who could be special in this league.

Jenkins, who is becoming a student of the game, is very athletic and has superb instincts.

?I learned a lot from Darren Sharper on studying the tendencies of players and what a quarterback and a receiver like to do in certain down and distance situations,? Jenkins said. ?It is all about preparation and having a sense of where the ball will end up. I learned that aspect of the game from Darren, but most of all it was about putting myself in a spot to make a play and then finishing the play off.?

Last year, I felt that Jenkins got robbed when he was not selected to the Pro Bowl, but that won?t happen this season. There is only one NFC free safety better than Jenkins, Green Bay?s Nick Collins, and Jenkins is ready to emerge as one of the elite free safeties in the game.


Saint's Jenkins draws high praise from coaches
AP Sports Writer
Published: Friday, August 5, 2011

METAIRIE, La. - When Malcolm Jenkins intercepted a couple Drew Brees passes in the early days of Saints training camp, it was apparent he'd been doing his homework during the NFL lockout.

"He's a smart player. The decisions he makes on the field are generally the right ones," head coach Sean Payton said. "He's really become an outstanding player and it's happening right in front of our eyes. We saw signs of it in his rookie season, and we certainly saw it in his contributions last year."

Only a year ago, Jenkins was trying to learn a new position.

He had been drafted as a cornerback out of Ohio State in 2009, but in his second season, it became evident that former Pro Bowl free safety Darren Sharper would not be healthy enough to start the season, and someone would have to fill the void.

Jenkins wound up playing well enough that he never really lost his starting job even after Sharper returned to the active roster in midseason. Sharper started three games at free safety in 2010, but the main reason was because the coaching staff respected Jenkins' versatility enough to let him start three games at cornerback because of injuries at that spot.

Heading into his third season, Jenkins is not only entrenched as the starting free safety, but defensive coordinator Gregg Williams considers him one of the leaders of his unit.

"If he stays healthy," Williams began, "he'll go down as one of the better Saints of all-time, just because of his character, his ability, his want-to, everything."


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Malcolm Jenkins ready for big year
August, 11, 2011
By Pat Yasinskas

You saw the promise last year, but Malcolm Jenkins said that?s not all you?re going to get.

I sat down with the free safety for the New Orleans Saints after a recent camp practice in Metairie, La. and discussed where he?s at as he heads for his third NFL season and second as a starting safety. Jenkins, a first-round pick in 2009, spent his rookie season playing cornerback.

Last year, he made the switch to safety.

Malcolm Jenkins
#27 S
New Orleans Saints

2010 STATS


?It?s a lot easier this time around,?? Jenkins said. ?At this time last year, I was still learning the position and learning my assignments. After last season, I?m comfortable with all that. I don?t have to spend as much time thinking. I just have to go out and play football and that?s the fun part.??

Jenkins took over for an injured Darren Sharper last year and performed so well that the veteran was never able to get his starting job back. Sharper currently is a free agent and it doesn?t look like the Saints will be bringing him back.

?I don?t have my crutch this year,?? Jenkins said. ?'Sharp' was my crutch. I could go to him with any question and he could talk me right through it. He really helped me a lot.??


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Gatorubet;1962934; said:
I LOVE Malcolm Jenkins. No Homo. He has become my favorite Saint since......well, since Deuce left.

Out of all the great Buckeyes to choose from, Malcolm is my favorite. I don't even hesitate when I say that. That should give you some indication of how great he was on and off the field. He's a fucking beast, and a super awesome dude.
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3074326;1968832; said:
Out of all the great Buckeyes to choose from, Malcolm is my favorite. I don't even hesitate when I say that. That should give you some indication of how great he was on and off the field. He's a [censored]ing beast, and a super awesome dude.

Of football players, I agree. The one play that stood out to me (and it may seem insignificant) was when we were up on Minnesota by around 20 or 30 points in the 4th. MJ was a senior and was a gunner on punt coverage. He busted his tail down the field on and made a great tackle. For a senior All-American and imminent 1st round pick it was unreal to see that type of effort when the game had already been decided. Here is to a huge year for MJ.
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New Orleans Saints: Free safety is a lock with Malcolm Jenkins
Mike Triplett Sporting News

It?s hard to believe that this time last year, Malcolm Jenkins was still making the transition from cornerback to free safety, and the notion that he was going to replace Darren Sharper as the full-time starter seemed like a long shot.

By season's end, Jenkins might have been the New Orleans Saints? most valuable defensive player. He was a natural playmaker at the back end of the defense and twice earned NFC Defensive Player of the Week honors.
Malcolm Jenkins has fallen into the ranks of outstanding free safeties. (AP Photo)

At 6-foot, 204 pound, Jenkins has great size and speed, great football instincts, and he?s one of the most devoted workers on the team. He studies film feverishly and has become an instant favorite of defensive coordinator Gregg Williams, who says Jenkins wants to be ?great.?

Now entering his third NFL season, Jenkins seems like a poised veteran, and he gives the Saints a real play-making presence at an important position.

Read more: http://aol.sportingnews.com/nfl/sto...-is-a-lock-with-malcolm-jenkins#ixzz1VTbrGoa8
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New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins draws high praise from teammate Alex Brown
Published: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
By Mike Triplett, The Times-Picayune

Third-year New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins drew high praise from veteran teammate Alex Brown on Wednesday. Brown, who played college ball at Florida before spending his first eight seasons with the Chicago Bears, said he has played with three "special" players in his career - defensive end Jevon Kearse, linebacker Brian Urlacher and now Jenkins.

The Times-Picayune

Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams has spoken in similar lofty terms of Jenkins in the past, too, saying he strives to be a true all-time great in the NFL and has the tireless work ethic to show for it.

Jenkins started to flash his potential last year with two NFC Defensive Player of the Week awards down the stretch, and he was painfully missed in the Saints' playoff loss at Seattle with a knee injury in January.

Obviously expectations are even higher this year for the former first-round pick, who switched from cornerback to free safety last summer.

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