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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

Malcolm Jenkins signing my Urban Meyer jersey at the Super Bowl in Indy!!!

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Saints S Malcolm Jenkins high on Vitt, understands Brees' situation
Posted on April 13, 2012

NEW ORLEANS ? Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins has never been more ready for conditioning and lifting weights than he is right now.

But with the way this offseason has gone for the past six weeks, Jenkins and his teammates are just ready for Monday to come around, the first day of the team?s optional offseason conditioning program.

Yet, there?s also a bit of trepidation, unspoken knowledge that the NFL investigation into the pay-for-performance program will hang over the team that first day.

?There will be an elephant in the room but I don?t think we?re going to dwell on what all is going on. It?s just, ?Hey, this is the situation and this is how we?re going to move forward,? ? Jenkins said Friday.

Jenkins politely declined to speak specifically about the bounty investigation, saying he?d like to remain quiet until at least the NFL levies its penalties on the players.

He did, however, endorse assistant head coach Joe Vitt as the team?s interim, saying the familiarity with the program will keep the team from taking a step back.

?Joe Vitt is a staple in our program already,? Jenkins said. ?He?s somebody when Sean went down last year, he took over that role. He?s one of the respected coaches we have on our staff. He has definitely been around the league for a long time. He knows a lot of football.

?I think it?s definitely going to be a smooth transition with him. I think guys are comfortable with him and I think guys respect him as a leader.?


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Urban League, Malcolm Jenkins Foundation Team Up To Deliver Life Skills, Mentoring and Scholarship Program
Thursday, 10 May 2012
By: Cathy Washington

Malcolm Jenkins Project R.E.W.A.R.D.S. (Reinforcing Education With Activities, Recreation & Developmental Supports)

While the social need for after-school programming is evident, the need for academic and social interventions is even more pronounced. Less than 60 percent of students who enter public high schools in Orleans Parish successfully complete in four years. Only two percent go on to enroll in college and less than one percent actually graduate from college. In an effort to assist students from under-served communities to remain in school and on track for high school graduation and success in college and beyond, the Urban League of Greater New Orleans and New Orleans Saints player Malcolm Jenkins' foundation are partnering to offer a life skills, mentorship and scholarship program to enhance the Student Life component of the Urban League College Track program. Urban League College Track is an after-school college preparatory program for students in grades 9 ? 12. The partnership will create a strong infrastructure to support students while maximizing learning opportunities and educational experiences.

Throughout the program students will learn leadership skills, effective communication, strategic thinking, goal setting, and health and fitness awareness. Life skills will be taught using a combination of creative teaching techniques, including group discussion, intellectual exercises, games, leadership retreats and college tours. "We recognize the powerful influence of a professional athlete who seeks to empower youth with tools necessary for their sustained development and productivity, said Nolan V. Rollins, President & CEO, Urban League of Greater New Orleans. Malcolm Jenkins is that athlete. He is an outstanding and exemplary role model on and off the field. We are proud to partner with The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation on this very important initiative to improve the life chances and personal outcomes for our youth."



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sm3-ogQTWI"]Living Well with Saints Player Malcolm Jenkins - YouTube[/ame]
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Jenkins thinks Brees? absence will help defense learn new system
Posted by Mike Florio on May 22, 2012

Optimists see half-empty glasses as half full. Eternal optimists see fully-empty glasses as an opportunity to fill the glass.

And that?s the attitude that Saints defensive back Malcolm Jenkins brings to Brees-free OTAs in New Orleans.

Barring a loaves-and-fleur-de-lis miracle, quarterback Drew Brees won?t be present for the launch of the practice portion of the Saints? offseason program on Tuesday. And Jenkins actually has found the whisper of a silver lining in the dark clouds that continue to dump rain and other more objectionable substances on the franchise.

The team is learning a new defense, under coordinator Steve Spagnuolo. Jenkins believes it will be easier to learn the defense without Brees there picking it apart at will.

?It becomes a lot more relaxed when you don?t have Drew out there making the plays that he does,? Jenkins told Ryan Jones of the New Orleans Times-Picayune. ?We?ll be able to learn quickly what we can and can?t do in that defense.?


at 3:01....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as13gDsAnuc"]New Orleans Saints Talk About Starting OTAs - YouTube[/ame]
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New Orleans Saints Safety Malcolm Jenkins

Media Availability

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What are your early impressions of Coach Spagnuolo and the new defense?

?I think there?s a big difference. There?s a lot more zone. It?s a lot different than what we?re used to with Gregg Williams? defense. I don?t think there are many defenses like his, but it definitely takes a lot of pressure off of our corners and a lot of stress off of our back end guys. There?s a lot on me and Roman to kind of have eyes on the quarterback and play left-right so we can both be in the box and in the backfield. I think it brings some challenging things to quarterbacks as far as figuring out who?s coming. The zone packages are pretty fun.?

What are some of the biggest adjustments going to be in this new defense?

?Last year we played a lot of man-to-man and a lot of matchup. This year we?ll still be playing some matchups, but there will be a lot of zone schemes with zone pressures and things like that. Being able to transition to those kinds of things and knowing where your teammates are going to be at (is new.) It?s going to be an adjustment. It seems to be going pretty well. I think guys really like the adjustment. Like I said, there?s a lot less stress on the back end and it allows us to keep our eyes on the quarterback. Hopefully, that will result on making some more plays on the ball.?

Coach Spagnuolo said he wants his safeties to be making tackles as close to the line as possible. Are we going to be seeing you play closer to the line than you did last year?

?Yes, I think so. In the last couple of years, we preached to have our safeties back deep. I think we started off at 20 yards just so we could play downhill. A lot of times, if the ball got to me it was a bad thing. This year, we?re playing a lot closer to the line of scrimmage. Like I said, Roman (Harper) and I are basically playing the same position. We could play left or right, so we could both be down within linebacker depth. If they continue to go left-right, you?ll continue to see me closer to the line of scrimmage. Even when I am deep, it?s not going to be the 20 yards that we?ve been playing. It will be closer to 15 or 12 yards from the ball.?

Do you think playing closer to the line will give you more opportunities to be a playmaker?

?Yes, definitely. I think instead of it being a clean-up role like it?s been in the last couple of years, I?ll be closer to the ball and that?ll give me some more opportunities to make some more plays. It?s a lot less stressful making a tackle at nine yards as opposed to 19.?

With the fast pace of practice that Gregg Williams used to have, do you think that?s going to carry over into this season?

?Yes. Those are the things that helped us out a lot. Those are the types of qualities that we want to keep and the type of coaching we want to keep. When the ball is on the ground, we want everyone hustling to it, picking it up, trying to score, trying to block and using that relentless pursuit to the ball. Those are the things that our team has built on over the last few years and those are the things we plan on keeping.?

Is it different trying to adjust to a different coach?s personality?

?It?s definitely different. It?s a lot quieter and there?s a lot more teaching and other stuff going on. Spags still has a way, and we were talking about it earlier, there?s not a lot of cursing or anything like that, but he has a way of letting you know when he?s serious and when he?s disappointed. It gets across. I think the veterans know what he expects of us and we know what we expect of ourselves. We?ll do a good job of governing ourselves in regards to the tempo of practice, what we expect out of the young guys and holding them accountable as well as the new veterans. I think it?s a good balance and, as I said, it?s really good because we?re learning a new defense. They?re allowing us to go through some growing pains, but at the same time as we get further and further into these OTAs, they?ll kind of shorten the chain.?

Can you tell if going through this offseason turmoil is going to bring this defense closer together?

?I think so. I don?t think it took the offseason turmoil to bring us closer together. I think just the fact that we have a new defense and the way that we finished off the year last year and the season overall, we gave up too many big plays. Coming off that kind of year, coming off a playoff loss and having a new defense, I think that was just enough to kind of bring this unit back together. We?re already a close unit, but to really kind of get back to the basics and redefine our identity and start learning this all together because everybody has to prove themselves again. When you get a new scheme and a new coach, everybody has an interview and every day is an interview. We?ll treat it as such.?

What do you think of Jonathan Vilma suing the commissioner?

?I didn?t really think much about it. I don?t really know much about it with the ins and outs, but I know the kind of person Jonathan Vilma is and I know the kind of people in our building. We?re behind each and every one of them. We support them 100 percent. We wish them luck in their endeavors and stuff like that. I think the focus on the team really is on the things we can control. We have some great opportunities to look forward to with a new defense and with the schedule coming out and having the Super Bowl in New Orleans, there are a lot of things to look forward to. We don?t have time to dwell on the past. Things have started off well. We?re happy to be back to OTAs and just really taking those steps towards putting together a winning season.?

Were you surprised the NFL Players Association fired back at the NFL?

?It?s unfortunate what the relationship between the commissioner and the NFLPA is now. That?s really not how it should be, but I?m not in the situation. I definitely support Jonathan (Vilma) and everything he?s doing, but we have bigger things on our plate and a huge task in front of us. That?s all we?re focused on.?

Have you guys been talking a lot about the Super Bowl being in New Orleans?

?How can you not talk about it? Especially with the team you have, you know you can be there and we?ve gotten close. We were a few plays from having the NFC Championship here at home last year. We won it two years before that. To know that you have the pieces to make it work, that?s what we?re focused on right now. That?s our goal. No one has ever done it in their own city, and I think the pressure is on us, at least internally, to have this be a huge year. I think everyone knows the importance of it and how huge of a deal that would be for us to get that Super Bowl. That?s what we play for, that?s what we get paid for and that?s what we live for. I think to try to ignore it and act like it?s something you?re not thinking about is wasting your time.?

Do you think anytime there?s a big hit delivered by a Saints defense that it will be scrutinized or looked at closer than ever?

?Of course they?re going to make a big deal about it. The thing I?m more excited about is hearing how loud that dome will get when we hit somebody. I?m pretty sure everybody is going to play with the same intensity and the same fire and passion that we?ve played with over the last few years. I know that dome will get loud when we do lay a clean hit on someone. I don?t think anyone is really worried about us getting scrutinized, but we?re going to go out and play the game the way it?s supposed to be played and the way we know how to play it.?

Do you like the approach that Coach Spagnuolo takes to his defense?

?Spags? defense isn?t a sit-back defense. It?s still aggressive. It?s not your all-out pressure that you get from a Gregg Williams defense, but he does have a lot of pressure coming from a lot of different places and he preaches playing fast and playing downhill. So you?ll still see the same aggressive style of play with everyone swarming and everybody getting to the ball and different blitzes with everyone coming from different places, but you might not see all of this all-out pressures and things like that. I think he takes a little bit less risk, but it?s still aggressive most of the time. I think we?ll enjoy it.?

What kind of reception do you think your team will get going into visiting stadiums?

?I wouldn?t be surprised if we got booed. It?s been talked about, and I think there?s no other way to take it but to have that us against the world type of thing. That?s what it is anyway. I don?t think it will bother us. The reception that we receive at someone else?s stadium is really the last thing on our minds. All we?re going in there for is to win games and that?s what we?re working for now. I think we?ll win a lot of them.?

Do you think you guys are viewed as villains?

?I don?t know. That?s not for me to really worry about.?

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New Orleans Saints safeties Roman Harper and Malcom Jenkins are looking forward
John DeShazier, The Times-Picayune

If there's a positive connotation to being out-of-the-know -- "selective amnesia," "total avoidance" or "blissfully unaware" are the words that come to mind -- then Saints safety Roman Harper is your man. Harper said if there was heavy criticism of him and fellow safety Malcolm Jenkins over their performances in the final game of New Orleans' most recent season, and there were more than a few mounds of it, he hasn't heard a word.


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Former Piscataway great Malcolm Jenkins and NFL buddies giving back to the community
Published: Friday, June 22, 2012
By John Haley/For The Star-Ledger

You hear all the time about professional athletes 'giving back to the community.'

I saw it happen first-hand on Friday at Piscataway High School at the first Malcolm Jenkins Foundation Football Camp.

I was totally blown away at what I saw.


Malcolm Jenkins posing with camp members on Friday at the Malcolm Jenkins Foundation Football Camp.

Jenkins is a former Piscataway football and track star who plays for the NFL's New Orleans Saints.

Jenkins and a host of NFL players, along with Piscataway coaches, players and former players, were out in the brutal, 93-degree heat teaching a group of 200 kids how to run, block and tackle.

They gave six hours of their time on Friday and will give six more hours on Saturday with 150 more kids. All for free!

The campers didn't have to pay anything and the NFL players flew in from all over the country with all expenses coming out of their pocket.

All because Malcolm Jenkins asked them.

"All he has to do is ask and I'm there,'' said James Lauranitis, a feared linebacker with the St. Louis Rams and former teammate of Jenkins at Ohio State. "Giving back is what it's all about, especially for the benefit of kids.''



"Malcolm's my guy,'' said Lauranitis, a college teammate of Jenkins at Ohio State and a feared linebacker. "All he had to do was ask. This is all about the kids and giving back. When I was young, I looked up to the kids who were playing in high school, so I know it's a thrill for these kids to be out here learning from the NFL guys.''

For the Piscataway Big 3, it's a time to give back to the community, but also a time to re-unite.

"I have as huge passion to give back,'' said Jenkins, a resident of New Orleans and a Super Bowl champion with the Saints. "I think it's important for the kids to have role models to look up to and it's such a thrill for me to see the looks on their faces when they look at me and Kyle and Anthony and the other NFL guys. And to be able to do it for free makes is special too. The guys I asked are all here donating their own time in this heat and I appreciate it.''

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Saints? Malcolm Jenkins gets beaten at his own camp by a high-schooler

It's really great of New Orleans Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins to host a football camp in New Jersey to help 200 kids learn football and have fun. It's free for all the kids, and Jenkins does it out of the goodness of his heart.
I'd hope you wouldn't think poorly of one of the campers if he humiliated Jenkins at his own camp.
As described by Roman Harper on Twitter (Harper, James Laurinaitis and Larry Fitzgerald were all in attendance, too), Jenkins ended up going one-on-one against a high school kid named Dajon Foat of Piscataway High School. Foat ran routes against Jenkins, best out of three, with the winner getting the cleats right off the other guy's feet.
According to Harper, on the first play, Jenkins knocked the ball down. Jenkins 1, Dajon 0. On the second play, the kid made a catch in the back of the end zone. Jenkins 1, Dajon 1. Here is the third and deciding play:

See video and entire article: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-s...kins-beaten-high-schooler-035530812--nfl.html
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chat with MJ today....

Chat with Malcolm Jenkins

Welcome to SportsNation! On Tuesday, we'll have New Orleans Saints, and former Ohio State, cornerback Malcolm Jenkins stopping by to chat about the upcoming NFL season, as well as his role with EA Sports' NCAA Football 13, released Tuesday, and the game's rivalries. David Harris, alum of Ohio State's rival Michigan, chats Tuesday at 3 p.m. ET.

Jenkins, @MalcolmJenkins, won a Super Bowl with the Saints in his rookie year in 2009. While with Ohio State, he went 4-0 against Michigan, accumulating 15 total tackles.

Send your questions now and join Jenkins Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. ET!

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Chris (NYC)
How much did you guys hate Michigan when you were at OSU?

Malcolm Jenkins
To be honest.....I didn't really understand it at first, but once I got there it was pretty amazing. We'd be in class and the lockeroom counting down the days until the game. How many days since Michigan lost. Looking back at it, it was a little overboard, but that's the way it was.

Jordan W. (Slidell, LA)
What is something you learned at Ohio State that helped prepare you for your transition in moving to a new place like New Orleans?

Malcolm Jenkins
The biggest thing I learned at Ohio State is accountability and responsibility. Coach taught us to take notes in meetings. How to be on time. How to be a professional. It really helped me when I got to the Saints.

Larry (DC)
was it weird when you got to the pros and had to be teammates with Michigan players after hating them in college?

Malcolm Jenkins
It wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. I played against some of my teammates. Every time that game comes around, we watch it. I never lost to them.

Tom (Columbus)
What did you enjoy more, winning a super bowl or beating Michigan 4 times in a row?

Malcolm Jenkins
I think the Super Bowl might be No. 1, but beating Michigan 4 times in a row is a close second. Both of those are forever. My mom has all four of my gold pins.

Eric (Washington)
What was your favorite memory from playing for OSU?

Malcolm Jenkins
It would have to be after the 2006 Michigan game, with No. 1 and No. 2. It was a real close game at Ohio State. We beat them and whoever won was going to the national championship. The fans stormed the field and walked out of the stadium with big patches of grass. They had to change the field to field turf because the fans tore it up.

Fred (LA)
how often do you get back to OSU?

Malcolm Jenkins
I usually get back once or twice a year. I usually go back on my bye week. In the offseason, I usually get back for a week. I still have a lot of friends in Columbus. Catch up. Work with the young DBs.

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