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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

Q: It appears to me that in the last three games the Saints' special teams have not performed to their usual high caliber. Is Coach Payton making any different considerations for the playoffs in the special teams' side of the game? Harry Coates, New Orleans.


Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune
New Orleans Saints rookie Malcolm Jenkins' play on special teams has been solid.

A: Harry, I expect there to be numerous changes to coverage and return units now that the roster is healthy and fully loaded. For instance, Malcolm Jenkins likely will go back to coverage teams, where he excelled earlier this season. Jenkins was pulled from special teams duty when he was forced into the starting lineup because of injuries to Porter and Greer. He'll be back, as will Usama Young. Those are two of the best kick cover men the Saints have on the roster and they've missed them down the stretch. There's no tomorrow for the Saints and I expect to see the club utilize every able body on coverage units in the postseason. The coverage teams struggled understandably down the stretch with so many new bodies being thrown into the mix. Unfortunately, we're not allowed into practice during the team's special teams drills so we'll just have to wait and see who is used where on Saturday.

New Orleans Saints mailbag: How will the Saints defend the high-flying Cardinals? | New Orleans Saints Central - - NOLA.com
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Jenkins, Sharper, Vilma back at practice for Saints Posted: January 29th, 2010 | NFL.com Staff |

The Saints received good news on the injury front Friday, when CB Malcolm Jenkins (hamstring), FS Darren Sharper (knee) and LB Jonathan Vilma (knee) all returned to practice, albeit in limited fashion.

Jenkins didn?t play in last weekend?s NFC Championship Game, but he?s listed as questionable for next weekend?s Super Bowl against the Colts. Sharper and Vilma, who did play last weekend, also are questionable for the Super Bowl.

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...Jenkins making habit of playing in title games
By Steve Doerschuk
CantonRep.com staff writer
Posted Feb 03, 2010


AP / Bill Haber.Former Ohio State defender Malcolm Jenkins knows all about playing in title games. On Sunday, the New Orleans Saints? first-round draft pick will do it again in the Super Bowl against the Indianapolis Colts.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. ? Talk about the Midas touch.

In high school, Malcolm Jenkins played for three New Jersey high school state championship teams. In college, he helped Ohio State reach two national title games. As a rookie first-round draft pick, he is riding a Super Bowl week wave with the New Orleans Saints.

?I?ve been in state championships, national championship and now the Super Bowl,? Jenkins said. ?I?m blessed.?

Jenkins was the Saints? first-round draft pick, No. 14 overall. He has been a nickel back and special teams player for the most part, but in an injury-replacement start he picked off a pass thrown by fellow rookie Josh Freeman of Tampa Bay.

Jenkins is the youngest player in the Super Bowl, having turned 22 on Dec. 20. Yet he talks like a veteran, saying there really isn?t a Peyton Manning mystique.

If Jenkins is on the field, one would suspect Manning will know where the rookie is.

?Everybody knows their offense isn?t real complicated, but it?s efficient,? Jenkins said. ?The plays they run, they run to a T.?

He considers himself lucky to have landed at Ohio State.

?I used to like the Miami Hurricanes,? he said. ?I?m from New Jersey, so there was no Ohio State connections. My brother loved Ohio State. I don?t even know why.?

Ohio State Head Coach Jim Tressel made an impression in the recruiting season that began an important relationship.

?He?s really into mentoring young men,? Jenkins said. ?He knows about our grades, what we?re doing in the community.?

Jenkins making habit of playing in title games - Canton, OH - CantonRep.com
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Malcolm played great tonight in the Super Bowl. Nearly picked off a pass, blowning up screens, and I didnt see him get burnt once. Had his named mentioned on several occasions! Good to see one of my favorite buckeyes doing well.
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really looking forward to seeing him as the everyday CB....his run defense was solid tonight, and he blew up screens on several occasions. No offense to Jabrari Greer, but his tckling is on par with Deion Sanders..just no will to make a tackle. Malcom covered the slot well, and threw his hat in the pile all night from the slot on run plays. You don't have to make the tackle to have an impact on the play...Malcolm forced the runner inside all night, and the Saints got gashed the entire first quarter when he wasn't in the game. Just the little things....

Congrats Malcolm and Will........Super Bowl champions...
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SayNoToMichigan;1656705; said:
IMO when Jenkins came in the second half the Saints defense changed. Malcolm brings the toughness the other Saint CBs lack.


really looking forward to seeing him as the everyday CB....his run defense was solid tonight, and he blew up screens on several occasions. No offense to Jabrari Greer, but his tckling is on par with Deion Sanders..just no will to make a tackle. Malcom covered the slot well, and threw his hat in the pile all night from the slot on run plays. You don't have to make the tackle to have an impact on the play...Malcolm forced the runner inside all night, and the Saints got gashed the entire first quarter when he wasn't in the game. Just the little things....

Congrats Malcolm and Will........Super Bowl champions...
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