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DB Donald Washington III (Official Thread)

buckeyesin07;1382572; said:
He probably could have increased his draft projections a round or two if he would have come back and had a good 2009. I still say he goes in the 3rd round or so this year.

Regardless, all the best to him.

3rd round sounds about right. See how the combine goes. Best of luck to Mr. Washington.
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buchtelgrad04;1382770; said:
Donald has had an agent-in-waiting for some time now. Donald came into this season knewing he wasn't going to return next year. I wish him all the success in the world, but I think this was a poorly thought out decision.

I think this sums it up. He could have got more attention outside of Jenkins' shadow this year but wish him all the best.
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23Skidoo;1382825; said:
I think this sums it up. He could have got more attention outside of Jenkins' shadow this year but wish him all the best.

and next year was the year, to impress scouts and put a stamp on his career. If he goes in the third, which I'm doubtful (Youboty went third round), I think he had a chance to elevate his game to a second or definately third round pick.

NFL GM's will shy away with a third rounder b/c of off-field problems potentially. If Donald and another CB are rated closely, which CB goes first? Especially b/c of the new/harsher conduct codes.

But good luck, it's always great to see tOSU cb's lining up on the outside in the NFL. DB U.
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I thought Brian Hartline made a pretty good decision to come out now because he would have had difficulty raising his stock with another year in this offense. So even if BH isn't a first-day pick, he wasn't going to be one next year either IMO. Beanie made an excellent decision to come out because he'll be a first-round pick and running backs have short careers.

But DWash's call here is sort of baffling. He's not likely to go in either of the first two rounds. He has the talent to be a playmaker, and he could have developed that reputation if he came back. Like the poster above, he needed to step out of Jenkins' shadow. I think he may have cost himself money here.
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Washington pleased with his decision
He played for Franklin Central, Ohio State
By Jeff Rabjohns
Posted: January 16, 2009

Donald Washington has a lot on his mind these days.

Shortly after Christmas, somewhere around 15th and Rochester streets in Indianapolis, he lost his beloved dog, a 20-pound, black-and-brown miniature pincher named "Chico" who always sported a red collar.

"I love that dog," he said.

While that may be tugging on Washington's heart, the more weighty matter for the Franklin Central High School graduate was whether to declare for the NFL draft.

On Thursday, the final day players with eligibility could declare, the cornerback decided to forego his final season at Ohio State.

"It was a very long and very hard process. It wasn't an easy decision," Washington said in a telephone interview Thursday night. "That's why I wanted to use all the time because I was making a decision that was going to affect the rest of my life.

"I prayed about it, and woke up (Thursday) morning and the decision just kind of came to me."

Washington pleased with his decision | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
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Donald gets a combine invite...

February 1, 2009
Important combine invitations
The official invitations for the NFL combine are out (see here).

No surprise that Ohio State seniors Alex Boone, Marcus Freeman, Malcolm Jenkins, James Laurinaitis and Brian Robiskie were invited. We already told you that. And the addition of junior running back Chris "Beanie" Wells was expected, as well.

Good news for two other junior Buckeyes, though: Both Donald Washington and Brian Hartline are headed to Indianapolis later this month.

Blogging the Buckeyes
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The defensive backs arrive at the combine Saturday, and that includes Ohio State's Malcolm Jenkins and Donald Washington. Jenkins is a sure first-round pick, and though Washington surprised some people by coming out early, I think he'll show enough at the combine to make sure he's drafted, maybe as high as the fourth round or so.

Washington will have to explain his two-game suspension at the start of last season for violating team rules, but he's ready to do that, and he always played with good athleticism.

Here's a teammate with a natural bias, but OSU linebacker James Laurinaitis thinks good things are ahead for Washington.

"Donald is a freak," Laurinaitis said. "He's going to show people at the combine. To me, Donald is a first-round talent that someone is going to pick up in later rounds, just because of some of the things he had to deal with since he's been here. Talent-wise, Donald is one of the best corners in the country. He's going to make some team and be a gem for somebody."

Ohio State football: Marcus Freeman, Brian Robiskie, Donald Washington and other combine thoughts - Ohio State Buckeyes Football & Basketball Blog (OSU) - cleveland.com
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Ranking the CBs.


17. Donald Washington, Ohio State 6-0, 195

Positives: Extremely fast, extremely athletic - A big-play performer. Had to be avoided, even though Malcolm Jenkins was on the other side - Can step in on day one and play on his athleticism alone.

Negatives: Character questions - Not a great hitter. Doesn't always play
up to his size - Doesn't do enough against the run.

Cont'd ...
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Vertical Jump
Name Height
Washington, Donald 45.0
Butler, Darius 43.0
Moore, D.J. 39.5
Mouton, Ryan 39.5
Barnes, Kevin 38.5
Fletcher, Bradley 38.5
Quin, Glover 38.0
Trent, Morgan 38.0

Name Height
Bruton, David 41.5
Spillman, C.J. 41.5
McBath, Darcel 38.0

Broad Jump
Name Distance
Washington, Donald 11'3"
Butler, Darius 11'2"
Taylor, Curtis 10'9"
Mouton, Ryan 10'9"
Barnes, Kevin 10'8"
Hughes, Brandon 10'8"
Trent, Morgan 10'7"
Delmas, Louis 10'6"

Name Distance
Bruton, David 11'0"
Clemons, Chris 10'7"

NFL Events: Combine Top Performers
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