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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Welp. After three days of chills, aches, headaches, coughs and two negative tests - ya boy lost the old sense of taste and smell.

Do you have any idea a skyline cheese coney is if you can’t taste or smell it!!!
No taste or smell is almost the only way I'd eat Skyline......add in no sight and I'm there.
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question i'm trying not to get anyone pissed off. how many of you got a vacine plus the booster just wondering because i had both i'm around lots of people a day hadnt got sick.only reaction i had witth both made me tired all day next day was up and around

I live with three others, one of whom refused to get vaxxed. The rest of us are vaxxed and boosted. Ms Unvaxxed tested positive a few days ago. So far, she's had your basic flu symptoms and some miserable days, but nothing serious. She is young and otherwise healthy.

The rest of us have zero symptoms.

Ms Unvaxxed is a friend of my older daughter's, who has been staying with us. I've tried to be understanding of her - she's had a really rough time in life, and is a hard worker. But I've now told her "get vaxxed when your quarantine is over, or move out."

She's young, sure - but I'm old, and have some health issues. My sympathy has run out.
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I live with three others, one of whom refused to get vaxxed. The rest of us are vaxxed and boosted. Ms Unvaxxed tested positive a few days ago. So far, she's had your basic flu symptoms and some miserable days, but nothing serious. She is young and otherwise healthy.

The rest of us have zero symptoms.

Ms Unvaxxed is a friend of my older daughter's, who has been staying with us. I've tried to be understanding of her - she's had a really rough time in life, and is a hard worker. But I've now told her "get vaxxed when your quarantine is over, or move out."

She's young, sure - but I'm old, and have some health issues. My sympathy has run out.

i have niece that the same way til she get vaxxed not gonna see her.i'm retired pretty good health dont need to be sick
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question i'm trying not to get anyone pissed off. how many of you got a vacine plus the booster just wondering because i had both i'm around lots of people a day hadnt got sick.only reaction i had witth both made me tired all day next day was up and around

Me. No reaction to any of the shots. Have had 50% of my HH have breakthrough infections in December and I’ve either caught it and had zero symptoms or I’ve managed to not catch it.

Breakthrough cases, FWIW were pretty much like a head cold for my wife that lasted for days. My youngest son was back to normal in under three.
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Holy fuck.

Glad you made it man. We need the dues.
The time in the hospital I never walked 25 feet. Once with a physical therapist on the last day 10 ft. I needed help getting in the house and recliner. Stayed in my den 10 ft from toilet. Needed help for a week to get there. It was a month before I started walking up steps to bed. Intestinal issues ..on and on. I didn’t feel 90 percent till April 1. I’m good now but lost hair and it grew back in wavy when my hair was straight..CoVid not the flu.
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I live with three others, one of whom refused to get vaxxed. The rest of us are vaxxed and boosted. Ms Unvaxxed tested positive a few days ago. So far, she's had your basic flu symptoms and some miserable days, but nothing serious. She is young and otherwise healthy.

The rest of us have zero symptoms.

Ms Unvaxxed is a friend of my older daughter's, who has been staying with us. I've tried to be understanding of her - she's had a really rough time in life, and is a hard worker. But I've now told her "get vaxxed when your quarantine is over, or move out."

She's young, sure - but I'm old, and have some health issues. My sympathy has run out.

doesn’t she have to wait a few months after having Covid for the vax to be effective?
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