I didn't want this to get lost. Why are we just willing to let people die as the answer? Why are people protesting to get stores open instead of protesting for what they really need. You don't need to sacrifice grandpa so you can earn a living. Protest for the relief that money would bring without having to go back to work and risk people getting sick. These protests are for the betterment of corporations, not for the people protesting.We should be providing monthly stimulus to everyone until the July/August. We should be more worried about small businesses and loans that could keep most of them afloat. We should be providing increased hazard pay ($15+) and PPE to everyone working in grocery stores and in warehouses who have to come in contact with hundreds of people a day.
But for a long time that's not what this country has been about. Instead we pumped trillions into the stock market that will almost certainly free fall again once people loose their homes and no one goes out for holiday spending because they have no money. We're more worried about padding Boeing's pockets who what, a year ago killed hundreds of people due to rushing out patches for a plane instead of taking a hit that would save lives?
Let's cut the shit when people try to accuse sides of caring more about body counts and less about unemployment & lost wages, as if we've cared about poverty, healthcare or shit dead-end minimum wage jobs for more than when it's useful. The US has not been a country about the working and middle class for decades now, and the result of that is we're really fucking showing out when it comes to disaster during a pandemic.
Outside of NY and NJ, cases are still rising. The US is going to hit 100k+ deaths by the end of May. Believe it, don't, it's up to you. But being concerned about deaths and infection counts doesn't make you a body count worshiper, and it doesn't make you blind to an awful economic situation. It just means the US has to do something that seems terrifying for some reason: pay its citizens monthly to stay home. And create another new deal to help it out of the depression that will be coming when this is over.
sorry for the wall of text