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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Is the assumption that if we close things down for a bit, the virus will go away? Or are we buying time trying to figure it out?

Mostly the second, though hopefully it would also help with the first through better knowledge and containment. The primary thing is making sure our infrastructure and ability to deal with such issues isn't completely overwhelmed resulting in issues beyond the highest risk demographic, and to be able to deal with the already large amount of issues the facilities already handle. Hospitals and offices getting flooded with COVID-19 patients of course leaves less or no room for others who may need a bed in that facility.

To address @Jaxbuck, Ebola was a different beast because it doesn't spread in any kind of similar way (at least, my layman understanding), and because of where it started from. COVID-19 doesn't require bodily fluid contact, and there are apparently cases of community spread (i.e. someone who has it didn't come into contact with the initial vector or others who did), which means this thing is ripe to explode under the right conditions. And while Ebola doesn't have a vaccine, it is an understood virus, which this is not, at least not entirely.
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As far as "the media" supposedly stoking panic goes, unless you're a complete fucking moron, first, it's hard to deny that this is actually newsworthy.
Newsworthy? For sure. Worthy of the complete full-scale panic the media has caused with its over-the-top, non-stop "coverage"? Not even close.
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Well, if they close all the restaurants here, good luck to all you losers that dont post in the cooking thread.
Not to worry! There is always Fried Spam, Fried Spam with eggs, Fried spam and corned beef hash, Fired Spam with diced bananas, Dinty Moore beef stew, Pan fried Dinty Moore beef stew, and pan fried Spam in Dinty Moore beef stew.
Just to name a few. Oh wait ! theres cheerioes Too!
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God, people are just the worst. It's only going to kill old people -- fucking snowflakes ought to be happy about this version population control!

Next step......

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Not to worry! There is always Fried Spam, Fried Spam with eggs, Fried spam and corned beef hash, Fired Spam with diced bananas, Dinty Moore beef stew, Pan fried Dinty Moore beef stew, and pan fried Spam in Dinty Moore beef stew.
Just to name a few. Oh wait ! theres cheerioes Too!

Time to dust off grandmas recipe book of things to make during war rationing.
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