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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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Another interesting thing from my Mom who grew up in small towns in Kansas. When someone had rubella, regular measles, chicken pox or scarlet fever or Pneumonia..the government put a red warning on the door to keep people informed or away. The family members weren’t quarantined but the main caregiver stayed home and did not go out.
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Just declared a pandemic by the WHO.

They declared one in 2009 that originated in this country and spread worldwide.

Did I miss the mass panic, shutting down of events, grocery store raids and OMG, we're all gonna die! hysteria then because I don't recall it.

I'm not sure who is blowing this up more: media or politicians. I do know it's getting them a lot of attention. "Never waste a crisis." :roll1:
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Let's close everything! People will starve to death, and there will be massive crime as people get hungry, but at least we won't get the virus.

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C'mon man, that's nonsense. The media didn't lockdown Italy or kill over 3,000 people in China or kill four senior politicians in Iran in just the past ten weeks. Information disseminated from the WHO, NIH, CDC, and others is freely available without having it filtered through the media.

With a R0 of 2.6 (vs the seasonal flus 1.3), the high mortality rate of 3.5 (vs the flus 0.05), and the fact nobody on earth has any natural immune defense against this, the numbers will be devastating if it is not contained, or spreads across health care workers, and hospitals are both booked full and under-staffed. With no vaccine, seasonal flu shot, or herd immunity, those of us under 60 are the vector that will spread this to our own loved ones over 60.

If 34 million got this like they have the flu this past season, it wouldn't kill 20,000, it'd kill 1.9 million. If it is proven to be more devastating to those over 60, why risk exposing the 72.5 million Americans over 60 to it? 3.5% of that demographic alone would be 2.54 million.

You are at much higher risk getting into an automobile. Life is full of risks and this is a total waste of time.
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C'mon man, that's nonsense. The media didn't lockdown Italy or kill over 3,000 people in China or kill four senior politicians in Iran in just the past ten weeks. Information disseminated from the WHO, NIH, CDC, and others is freely available without having it filtered through the media.

With a R0 of 2.6 (vs the seasonal flus 1.3), the high mortality rate of 3.5 (vs the flus 0.05), and the fact nobody on earth has any natural immune defense against this, the numbers will be devastating if it is not contained, or spreads across health care workers, and hospitals are both booked full and under-staffed. With no vaccine, seasonal flu shot, or herd immunity, those of us under 60 are the vector that will spread this to our own loved ones over 60.

If 34 million got this like they have the flu this past season, it wouldn't kill 20,000, it'd kill 1.9 million. If it is proven to be more devastating to those over 60, why risk exposing the 72.5 million Americans over 60 to it? 3.5% of that demographic alone would be 2.54 million.

I wholeheartedly agree with the first two paragraphs here... With special emphasis on the last sentence of paragraph 2.

The third paragraph I dont disagree with, but I think these are the things we do really need to understand better. And I hope the response is calibrated accordingly as we understand them better. Obviously our Governor is aggressively trying to get out ahead of this as much as possible, and I'm ok with that, but as the numbers give us a clearer picture going forward, they need to be considered.

There is some panicking going on to be sure. There has to be a reasonable ground between that, and "just the flu" -- I'm not sure where the right place is, but I do think its important to seek it.
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As annoying as some of this is, and even though it does feel like an overreaction at first, when I think about it I can understand it. This isn't about trying to stop it completely, even, but really about flattening the curve. With cases of community/non-contact spread, you're looking at something that can explode in a short time if even one person attends an event like the Tourney that has it but is asymptomatic. I think it's the right move, even though it's really annoying and tough to swallow as someone in a low risk demo.
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