My wife works at an Urgent Care clinic here in southern Arizona. She sits at the reception counter where she screens all the sick people that come in and breathe, cough, sneeze, etc. on her. She started using a mask (the cheap pollen type) couple months ago. However, her employer just now start "fitting" the staff with the N95 mask, but she cannot get a proper seal on any of them she was provided. She is worried that if she doesn't go out and buy one online for a couple hundred dollars out of her pocket (if she can even find one), that her employer will terminate her job. I feel it is the responsibility of that clinic to provide a safe working environment, and If she becomes infected it's only a matter of time before she brings it home to me and my daughter. She is freaked out and I am a little uneasy about this as well. We just had the first confirmed case on the Army base here yesterday, and us Army civilians have been teleworking from home since Tuesday of this week. Crazy shit.