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Cormani McClain (DB Colorado, transfer to Florida)

I really don't understand depreciating the kid.

Business decision. Good for him.
Definitely a business decision. And I wonder if he even stays there for 3yrs...
Great get for Miami, OSU never had a dog in this fight, so I have no emotion over the decision. I'm just paying attention, to the schools who are obviously paying up front for talent, and interested in how that talent develops. Because UF had a rumored 7 figure deal on the table, that Miami had to beat. And McClain is 6'2 165lbs, and could be in the 180s by the time the 2023 season rolls around, and he's raw. But he's not going to sit, and he probably should. Will that help or stunt him?
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I guess I’ll be that guy……good for him. Take the money.
Heck yeah. If you need it and people are paying it.

I’m in the camp if a kid is good enough and committed enough to his craft to get to the nfl, then he can do it at any school.

Half a million dollars today can change the life for a lot of families. More than the hope of money in 3 years. We should never hold it against a player.
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Gator fans are maaaaaad about this one
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Despite holding a commitment to Miami, five-star cornerback Cormani McClain will not sign his national letter of intent on Wednesday, according to his mother, Tikisha White. The No. 1-ranked corner has been committed to the Hurricanes since June, and while he won't sign on Wednesday, there is no update as to whether he will sign in this early period or wait until February.

Makes you wonder if there are better NIL offers coming in?
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