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Cormani McClain (DB Colorado, transfer to Florida)

Cormani McClain rumor 'blown out of proportion,' says Florida's Billy Napier: Former five-star CB 'doing fine'

The former five-star cornerback has had a rocky start to his career but is still on stable ground after walking onto Florida's team​

Cormani McClain's reputation precedes him, and everywhere he goes, rumors usually follow.

The former five-star phenom needed only one month before the first rumor grew legs. Social media was ablaze Tuesday with chatter the cornerback had been booted from the Florida roster after just one month on campus. Turns out, that wasn't true, and the report was quickly shot down by a source. Coach Billy Napier addressed the McClain rumors Wednesday in a small setting with reporters before his podium appearance at SEC Media Days.

"He's doing fine," Napier said. "A lot of this gets blown out of proportion. He's a young player. Obviously, we're well aware of his history."

It's that history that scared many schools from recruiting McClain when he entered the transfer portal in April. In only 17 bumpy months, McClain was criticized for a cloak-and-dagger recruiting process that burned several bridges at college programs, which then led to a rollercoaster fall semester at Colorado. Once in Boulder, he struggled to adjust. Hall of Famer Deion Sanders benched the former five-star recruit while trying -- and failing -- to coax the freshman to break bad practice habits. Sanders openly questioned McClain's desire to play football and refused to put him on the field. McClain didn't study film and was late to meetings, Sanders shared. He played in nine games.

USC and USF showed interest in McClain when entered the portal but it didn't blossom into a serious courtship. Florida showed Interest but ultimately didn't offer a scholarship, so he walked on with the Gators.

"We run a tight ship," Napier said. "There's structure, there's routine, there's discipline, there's accountability. It's hard these days. You're in the minority if you show up in June, much less middle of June because you're (arriving on campus) a couple of weeks later. It is what it is. He's had a great week so far this week. He's gained 10 pounds. He's learning expectations, he's learning culture. In the summer, the coaches are not there. This is player-led and I think that's why I've got a lot of confidence in our team. That's why I like our team. It should be challenging for a guy who just shows up in the middle of June, that's a young player with minimal experience, so he's doing just fine. He's gonna be OK."

Just sayin': Yeah, so did Jimbo........ :lol:
All coaches think they can turn the problem kid around. And none of them can.
Especially a former 5star and #1 at his position in HS. And you're only taking him as a PWO. IF UF doesn't work out for him I can see another P5 school taking a flyer on him too. Someone will want to be the guy who says they developed him and got him to the league.
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