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Cormani McClain (DB Colorado, transfer to Florida)

Why, I hate the reasoning of it's Alabama. I don't think other universities are like it's OSU when they lose a recruit. Won't win the recruiting battles until we can win the big one.

OSU and Alabama aren't on the same recruiting and even NC level. I love OSU, but there isn't a football program like Alabama in the past 20+yrs with their dominance. Saban alone at Alabama has as many NCs as the entirety of the OSU football program. He's the guy who you talk about after he's retired as the reason your favorite player or team didn't win a championship. I like the pressure the young coaches like Day are putting on him, but we need to beat him on the field to start winning more of these battles.
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It'll be interesting to see how college football and team expectations adjust in a post-Saban landscape. What's he's doing isn't replicable, even at Alabama, even if way too many fan bases think it is.

I have a feeling those fans aren't going to care, and will expect the same results no matter the coach. And the worst job opening in CFB history will be the guy that has to follow Saban. The minute that guy gets 2 losses they will calling Finebaum by the minute calling for his head
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Word of $600k up to $2.3M depending on longevity within program.

Will be interesting to follow….
I have no idea where these numbers come from…and also question the validity of them. This stuff will work itself out, but watching Aggieland burn in hell right now shows you can’t just give $ to people and expect wins.

this is a general comment not about your post in particular
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Word of $600k up to $2.3M depending on longevity within program.

Will be interesting to follow….
Not sure OSU really pursued him and this explains why. Bill Greene used to talk about how much McClain loved OSU, according to his Florida sources. And now he goes from a heavy Florida lean to a “da U” commit after they flash some green. Day and Co. knew they were dodging a bullet. IMO
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