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Game Thread Colorado at tOSU, Sept 24th, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2 mirror

Miller4heisman;1998393; said:
Fickell or Bollman, whoever is calling the plays needs to step it up. If its Bollman, then Fickell needs to overrule on the idiotic play calling that a 5 year old child can predict.

Step it up? :lol:

You are aware this team is playing without it's starting RB and one of the best WRs in the nation, RIGHT???

Let me guess, YOU could do better?
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holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding holding
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Great tackle.

Been watching our interior line the last few plays. They really need to work on some rushing skills. They probably wont be asked to do more than occupy blockers but they really dont get much farther than the LOS.

Great stop defense.
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