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Game Thread Colorado at tOSU, Sept 24th, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2 mirror

We've blitzed once the whole game, and Sabino came up the middle untouched...problem was that they got a short screen completion on a quick no-look throw. Need to keep theie QB inside the pocket...he is constantly running out of the pocket.
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TS10HTW;1998374; said:

It's Braxton Miller in his 1st start at tOSU not an 11 year NFL vet QB. You take the points.

I would like to see this game be all about building a lead so that we can call more "passer development" type plays.

In a close game (from missed opportunities) we will probably need to keep relying on the scrambles instead and we'll be no better off for the next week.
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jlb1705;1998376; said:
Kid's gonna have to throw one to the back pylon for the first time sometime though.

Agreed. There's a time and a place. Let's be honest, the passing game isn't sharp and a back pylon fade is about 50/50 at best and if it gets picked you lose alot of momentum going into the locker room. Ride the defense, play solid ST and don't turn the fucking ball over.
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MililaniBuckeye;1998378; said:
We've blitzed once the whole game, and Sabino came up the middle untouched...problem was that they got a short screen completion on a quick no-look throw. Need to keep theie QB inside the pocket...he is constantly running out of the pocket.

No talking about the game...this thread is for complaining about booing only.
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The reason for the boo's is people have no trust in Fickell. First, most people said Bauserman was not a worthy starter, fickell disagreed. Then kept him in for way too long, only to get killed at miami. And now suddenly he changes Qb's as if he had no idea how bad JB really was, seeing him in practice and in the spring game? please. And on top of that, he has become way too predictable. We will come in next week and end up running the ball for about 3 drives, with designed Qb draws and runs up the middle that get stuffed. and once we get down 14+ points, will it be too little to late to make changes. Mark it down, as i will eat crow if i am wrong. You know you are in trouble when a fan at home can predict what the offense in gonna do.
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Miller4heisman;1998387; said:
The reason for the boo's is people have no trust in Fickell. First, most people said Bauserman was not a worthy starter, fickell disagreed. Then kept him in for way too long, only to get killed at miami. And now suddenly he changes Qb's as if he had no idea how bad JB really was, seeing him in practice and in the spring game? please. And on top of that, he has become way too predictable. We will come in next week and end up running the ball for about 3 drives, with designed Qb draws and runs up the middle that get stuffed. and once we get down 14+ points, will it be too little to late to make changes. Mark it down, as i will eat crow if i am wrong. You know you are in trouble when a fan at home can predict what the offense in gonna do.

Fickell is calling plays now??! This Bollman guy has had it easy for 10 years!
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Miller looks like he's missing a joint or two on some of those runs. He stops and jukes and contorts his body as if he has different joints than the rest of us.

I haven't watched the Buckeyes yet this year, but so far this is fun.
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They havent been perfect but even this improvement would have been a win last week. Its really hard to imagine a worse played first half than that one was.

On to the present:

Like to see Hyde get some more carries and some swings to Hall. Please. Please put in the slants, curls, outs and pop passes to get some completions for Braxton. Defense needs to keep plays in front of them and get pressure up front and we win comfortably. Special teams has been great today, keep it up.
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knapplc;1998390; said:
Miller looks like he's missing a joint or two on some of those runs. He stops and jukes and contorts his body as if he has different joints than the rest of us.

I haven't watched the Buckeyes yet this year, but so far this is fun.

Our own linemen looked lost when he takes off, they never know which direction he's going to go next. lol
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knapplc;1998390; said:
Miller looks like he's missing a joint or two on some of those runs. He stops and jukes and contorts his body as if he has different joints than the rest of us.

I haven't watched the Buckeyes yet this year, but so far this is fun.

Good thing this is the first game you've watched then :biggrin:

Braxton is every bit the athlete they said he was going to be. The passing game will come as he gets reps in practice and in games.

Not every freshman is going to be Michael Vick and he was a redshirt freshman anyway.
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