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ORD_Buckeye;1851906; said:
Regarding Gee, the first half of his comment (murderer's row and little sisters of the poor) was ill advised and poorly worded.

Thanks for admiting it.

As for the Pac 12, Big 10, and Rose Bowl not wanting a playoff system......well duh. That's what I meant by protectionism. It is not in the best interest of the sport IF said sport declares a national champion. I have no problem going back to the old system, but just don't declare a national champion. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1851891; said:
Since multiple threads have touched on the playoff issue, I'm bumping this.

If you guys want to go over Playoffs v. BCS, please do it here.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3-eavMSBnk"]YouTube - Playoffs??? The Sound Byte[/ame]
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ORD_Buckeye;1851911; said:
You don't sound like an Ohio State fan. Trashing Gee and your crap about an elitist system and the bcs "cartel" sound like it was pulled straight from the truck driver u board.

Yeah, I am not a fan because I trash Gee's comments? Kind of like Jefferson, Washington, and Adams were not a fan of America because they didn't feel Englands policies were fair. I love tOSU dearly and it's because of this love that I am embarrassed by Gee's comments. It protects the cartel and is simply the wrong side of the argument.
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Regular Joe;1851916; said:
Yeah, I am not a fan because I trash Gee's comments? Kind of like Jefferson, Washington, and Adams were not a fan of America because they didn't feel Englands policies were fair. I love tOSU dearly and it's because of this love that I am embarrassed by Gee's comments. It protects the cartel and is simply the wrong side of the argument.
that must be why you are on a crusade for boise st, tcu to get a fair shake.

Out of all of the recent events, an epic game against the sec, the controversy around pryor, the dominant bball program and big man, the loss of osu's hottest assistant coach, etc... to be obsessed with the oppression of favored (but not as highly) boise/tcu clearly shows your buckeye fandom.

Your act is quite transparent.
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I think the Sisters of the Poor comment really relates more back to the fact that TCU/Boise etc do NOT bring any $$$ to the table. Yeah, TCU has a whale of a football team, but NOBODY CARES...as evidenced by the TV viewership ratings that tanked for most BCS games (but not our beloved Bucks :biggrin:)

So yeah, you may well have a team that is solid, but you are asking to a piece of the financial pie when you don't really bring much to the table. THAT'S why Gee's comments make sense even if one might argue that he shoulda kept his mouth shut.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1851882; said:

HI. Remember me? I'm E. Gordon Gee and this thread is about me. I don't think BKB was kidding when he asked you to take this [Mark May].. excuse me.. stuff... to the appropriate thread.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that you're running out of warnings.

I think the guy in this picture wrote A Brief History Of Time.
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How does TCU's win over Wisconsin invalidate the fact that TCU's schedule is nothing compared to a BCS schedule of a Big10 or SEC school (or others...but the comments were about those 2)?

An even better question......how does the Big Ten 0-4 against the SEC on 1-1 invalidate anything TCU related? Yes, the Big10 lost 4 individual games to the SEC. That somehow means Big10 schedules aren't more difficult than TCU's? What?
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BuckeyeNation27;1851950; said:
How does TCU's win over Wisconsin invalidate the fact that TCU's schedule is nothing compared to a BCS schedule of a Big10 or SEC school (or others...but the comments were about those 2)?

An even better question......how does the Big Ten 0-4 against the SEC on 1-1 invalidate anything TCU related? Yes, the Big10 lost 4 individual games to the SEC. That somehow means Big10 schedules aren't more difficult than TCU's? What?
So, let me get this straight. You are a mod right? And you can comment on this thread about playoff, other teams schedule stregth, etc? Hmmm....I see how flexible the rules are.
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Three points I want to make.

1: What President Gee said is what MOST of us have been thinking all along. IMO, he, from a college football fan?s perspective, is dead on. If you don?t play in a BCS conference, while the majority of your schedule is packed with teams that any BCS schools would schedule during preseason to get an easy W, then you have to deal with the reality of things. NEWS FLASH: life isn?t fair. Deal with it. TCU may not be the ?little? sister of the poor. I would say they are the ?big? sister of the poor. There, happy?

2: From the perspective of the President of a well-known institution in the nation, I agree President Gee may have misspoken. His position doesn?t really allow him to be careless of what he said publicly. (EVENTHOUGH, I love him for saying it) There are time when politic needs to be played, and I think this is one of them. President Gee can ?voice? his opinion through voting against the playoff system along with many other presidents.

3: With that being said, he has consequently apologized for his comments. Let it go, already, tcu. You are like this little annoying kid tattle telling on someone to get in trouble, then turn around and make face at you. See below:


So annoying, so amateur. Grow up!


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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