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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Cavs need to go out and get the absolute best defensive players in the league. Choose from the best shooting one's and go from there.

How much would it take for Kawhi Leonard? Who cares, pay it. Then gather the other best defenders who can shoot because Kawhi and LBJ can get their own shots.

You'll never just beat Golden State by out shooting them for a series. Houston got one but they aren't going to be able to keep that pace and the Warriors can.
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JR Smith is still starting.

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Probably by attempting to play LeBron James 44 minutes. The bench lineups almost always play the opponent to a draw. There's no reason he can't sit 10+ minutes per game. You'd get fresh LeBron in the 4th instead of stale, pushed-to-the-brink LeBron.
I feel like Green is going to start showing off his phenomenal ball skills, turning the ball over 5 times. JR will continue to allow that OG Kush to make him forget how to shoot the ball, and we’ll be tied up by the time 8:00 rolls around in the 4th.
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Sounds right to me.

I know I'm putting the cart way in front of the horse right now, but I think we have a legitimate shot to win four in a row in this series. Boston is a different team on the road. After that, it comes down to finding a way to steal game five.
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