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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Good thing is, there's no real connection with any of these guys. Love LeBron, but this team has had about 4 versions and now is patchwork of broken paperclips and used scotch tape that even MacGuyver couldn't use. No resemblance of the championship team. I don't even know/like any of these losers.

Perfectly in place to enter Tank Mode next year, though.
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Freaking embarrassing. No passion, sloppy and just idiotic play and coaching from everyone not named LeBron. As said above, this team has no identity and to be honest, I can't even get that upset because I don't give a shit about the majority of the team. But also as said above, dying off in the Eastern Finals allows the Celtics to get ass whooped by the Western Conference All Stars in the finals instead of Cleveland. I'll be fine letting them take over that role this year.
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Smart would be the second best player on this roster. I'd take him in a heartbeat.

Absolutely. This team is basically LBJ and a bunch of dudes. Love is pretty clearly the second best player on the team, and he's a washed-up joke compared to what he used to be--last night, he was straight worked by Al Horford, who is old and who wasn't any good when he was in the prime of his career. The third best scoring option is Kyle Korver. Commence laughter.
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Is it the lack of any core priciples?
We basically turned Kyrie into a bunch of guys who can't play, at least in this system.
Crowder, IT, then Clarkson, Hood, Nance, Hill.
We got rid of Wade because we wanted these guys to play.
Hell even DRose looked viable in Minnesota.
What a cluster.
Even though it is partially his fault i wouldn't blame Lebron if he left.
Windy had a good article on the malaise today.

Our future is beyond bleak. Bring in Hinkie and start the process.
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From Windys article, the last player to be selected #8 in the draft to be an All-Star was...Vin Baker in 1993. This team is fucked today, this team is fucked tomorrow, and this team is fucked 5 years from now. This ain’t gonna be the post-LBJ Heat, this will be full 76ers of 4 years ago.
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From Windys article, the last player to be selected #8 in the draft to be an All-Star was...Vin Baker in 1993. This team is fucked today, this team is fucked tomorrow, and this team is fucked 5 years from now. This ain’t gonna be the post-LBJ Heat, this will be full 76ers of 4 years ago.

We have to go all the way back to '93, and even then we only find Vin Baker? :sad2:
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From Windys article, the last player to be selected #8 in the draft to be an All-Star was...Vin Baker in 1993. This team is fucked today, this team is fucked tomorrow, and this team is fucked 5 years from now. This ain’t gonna be the post-LBJ Heat, this will be full 76ers of 4 years ago.
Simple. Trade down to #15 and draft the next Greek Freak, Kawhi Leonard, or Steve Nash.

There are good players all over the draft, you just have to find them. Whether this front office can do so remains to be seen.
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