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Cleveland Browns (official thread of Masochism 2015)

The owner is going to fire somebody for listening?
I mean... more ridiculous things have happened with conceited owners... but... does not compute.
And begs the question if you know what "owner" means.

BTW the text rumor came from the QB Coach. In an effort to debunk that rumor, Farmer recently claimed that the QB Coach wasn't even in the room when the decision to draft Manziel was made. That's a rather interesting way to try and reinstill faith in your organization... either your alcoholic party boy was drafted cuz he sent the owner a text, or your staff didn't even consult the position coach on the matter.
Pick your poison.

the owner is going to keep a guy around who isn't building a winning team? i mean more ridiculous things have happened but does not compute. and begs the question if you understand how football works.
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Your post said nothing about a winning team.
You said he should've been hired the moment he listened to the owner.
That's a nice sentiment, but I think anyone can figure out that he's listening to the owner because he doesn't want to get fired.
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nothing more then rumors, and highly, highly doubtful any are true.
if they are true then Farmer should have been fired on the spot for listening to the owner instead of trying to make the team better, not only that once he got fired he would be blacklisted from football at all levels and would be stuck flipping burgers at mcdonalds. winning sells tickets, Owners would prefer winning and selling tickets over just selling tickets.

the owner is going to keep a guy around who isn't building a winning team? i mean more ridiculous things have happened but does not compute. and begs the question if you understand how football works.

Who is going to fire Farmer on the spot for listening to the owner?
Some of the shit people say is absolutely mind boggling.
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maybe my post didnt work but i noticed you ignore the other facts in my reply? and no it has nothing to do with a hot hand, Gilbert just flat out sucks. bigger bust then Manziel so far. Neither cincy nor Indy nor Atlanta were the final 2 games. Whitner and Dansby were still overpaid by market value, and actually whitner was awful the first 4-5 games.

i still dont know what direction Farmer wants to go in the draft, he seemed to be all about upside but need as well.

What am I ignorning? I address Gilbert. He has/had some maturity and focus issues, especially in practice and it cost him a starting spot for two weeks. I used Crow to draw a comparative reference. Gilbert is in no way a bust, let alone a bigger bust than Johnny. Again, the kid might be playing the hardest spot in football with the emphasis on defensive contact now.

Whitner got a contract similar to what Ward wanted, I always felt. TJ would have been overpaid as well. By the way, Donte should have gotten the pro-bowl nod over Ward this year. Whitner responded by coming in and playing damn good football. Especially for our porous run defense. Dansby as well was all over the field especially in pass coverage.

Perhaps YOU don't understand that when you've had the down period the Brownies have, you have to pay just a tad extra to get some impact players. I for one, am happy to have Whitner back home and Dansby in Cleveland as well.

Gilbert graded in the green in coverage in a few games it looks like. Ones I've found were the Saints, Ravens (1st time), Bungles and Colts. Am I happy with how he's played and conducted himself? No. I'm not ready to label him a bust though.

welcome back SGhyde34 everybody :slappy:

Ain't that the truth. Apparently the rest of us are legally retarded for not agreeing with this kid.
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What am I ignorning? I address Gilbert. He has/had some maturity and focus issues, especially in practice and it cost him a starting spot for two weeks. I used Crow to draw a comparative reference. Gilbert is in no way a bust, let alone a bigger bust than Johnny. Again, the kid might be playing the hardest spot in football with the emphasis on defensive contact now.

Whitner got a contract similar to what Ward wanted, I always felt. TJ would have been overpaid as well. By the way, Donte should have gotten the pro-bowl nod over Ward this year. Whitner responded by coming in and playing damn good football. Especially for our porous run defense. Dansby as well was all over the field especially in pass coverage.

Perhaps YOU don't understand that when you've had the down period the Brownies have, you have to pay just a tad extra to get some impact players. I for one, am happy to have Whitner back home and Dansby in Cleveland as well.

Gilbert graded in the green in coverage in a few games it looks like. Ones I've found were the Saints, Ravens (1st time), Bungles and Colts. Am I happy with how he's played and conducted himself? No. I'm not ready to label him a bust though.

Ain't that the truth. Apparently the rest of us are legally retarded for not agreeing with this kid.

it's all good...he got the banhammer for dropping an f'n retard line on Kuji
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Aside from a rather comical exchange which I'm sorry I missed, the following seems to be trickling out:

1. Shannahan didn't get along with hoyer.
2. Shannahan threw a fit when Cleveland wouldn't trade for kirk cousins last off season and packed up shop when he wasn't given carte blanch to pick a qb this off season.

3. People texting down edicts on plays and personnel is nonsense. People strongly questioning play calls and personnel did happen, and was far more widespread than hillbilly Jim.

4. Shannahan is widely regarded as a massive douche canal and nobody is shedding any tears over his departure.

5. The whole notion that johnny fireball is being forced on the next oc is nonsense. He'll be on the roster with a chance to compete, but the qb spot will be addressed, and he's one screw up away from going bye-bye.

That is the basic insider scuttle from obr, none of which seems far fetched.
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Aside from a rather comical exchange which I'm sorry I missed, the following seems to be trickling out:

1. Shannahan didn't get along with hoyer.
2. Shannahan threw a fit when Cleveland wouldn't trade for kirk cousins last off season and packed up shop when he wasn't given carte blanch to pick a qb this off season.

3. People texting down edicts on plays and personnel is nonsense. People strongly questioning play calls and personnel did happen, and was far more widespread than hillbilly Jim.

4. Shannahan is widely regarded as a massive douche canal and nobody is shedding any tears over his departure.

5. The whole notion that johnny fireball is being forced on the next oc is nonsense. He'll be on the roster with a chance to compete, but the qb spot will be addressed, and he's one screw up away from going bye-bye.

That is the basic insider scuttle from obr, none of which seems far fetched.

1. I didn't know that Shanahan didn't get along with Hoyer. Not saying you're wrong...just that I must not have caught that in the news. I did read that Shanahan wanted to keep rolling with Hoyer instead of Manziel because he felt Johnny Jizz Jar wasn't ready (which he proved after getting more time to sit and learn than most Browns QBs of the past.) One could argue that the production is due to the decline of our Oline throughout the season but either way, the production was minimal at best.

2. I wasn't privy to that either. I know they possibly looked at Cousins but I am unfamiliar with the details of that situation beyond that.

3. I would have texted plays to Shanahan if I had his number but I wouldn't expect him to listen. It wouldn't be hard for me to believe if some texts did come from ownership.

4. Agreed. I'm far from being the biggest Shanahan fan. I can't tell you how many times I was bewildered by the play calling this past season. However, I don't fault the guy for leaving. It seems that the breakup was mutual. Shanahan wants to be where he isn't being told who has to play over who and and we aren't going to miss him or his questionable play calling. Win-Win.

5. I don't think or know that he is being forced down the next OCs (since there isn't one yet) throat as much as it seems he was forced on to Shanahan when Shanahan didn't want to put him in. This is just based off of recent reports (one of the claims from Shanahan so taken with a grain of salt.) Though, I wouldn't doubt if the same thing DID happen to whoever excepts the position. Most wanted to see Johnny in there at the time when it happened but Shanahan wasn't on board with that.

As far as the whole QB situation goes...I wasn't at all impressed with Hoyer. He might not have lost some games but he didn't win them either. Those wins are more in part to our defense. When the time came for Johnny to play, I was for it too. It wasn't because I thought Johnny was going to save us but because it was just time to see what we had. I never liked the drafting of Manziel at all because I thought he wasn't going to cut it in the NFL, but he wasn't going to do much worse or any worse at all than Hoyer had been doing 3 or 4 games in a row. I'm not a pro scout so I could have been wrong in my assessment and there was only one way to find out.

I am curious, where is it that you get most of your Browns info? OBR? Or do you know of some other reputable sites with solid Browns coverage?
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Here's the bottom line...the clowns have NO business drafting QBs, and the 1st round drafting is still riddled with mistakes. Just since 2012, they've made HUGE mistakes drafting Trent Richardson, Brandon Weeden, and now Johnny Jizz Jar. Gilbert didn't show anything really to indicate he won't join that list, though there is still time. And I know they got a 1st round pick in exchange for Richardson, which seemed like a steal, but what did they do with it? Drafted Johnny fucking Manziel. I've seen very little that indicates this franchise is headed in the right direction. Yeah, they played harder this year than in the past, so maybe they finally have a HC worth a damn. But, until they can manage to find a QB (and I have basically zero confidence in their ability to do that), and put together a decent coaching staff, they aren't going anywhere...and I'm fairly convinced Hillbilly Jim's meddling in team matters is going to be a huge issue with getting things done that need to be.
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Here's the bottom line...the clowns have NO business drafting QBs, and the 1st round drafting is still riddled with mistakes. Just since 2012, they've made HUGE mistakes drafting Trent Richardson, Brandon Weeden, and now Johnny Jizz Jar. Gilbert didn't show anything really to indicate he won't join that list, though there is still time. And I know they got a 1st round pick in exchange for Richardson, which seemed like a steal, but what did they do with it? Drafted Johnny fucking Manziel. I've seen very little that indicates this franchise is headed in the right direction. Yeah, they played harder this year than in the past, so maybe they finally have a HC worth a damn. But, until they can manage to find a QB (and I have basically zero confidence in their ability to do that), and put together a decent coaching staff, they aren't going anywhere...and I'm fairly convinced Hillbilly Jim's meddling in team matters is going to be a huge issue with getting things done that need to be.

Excellent post.
It's like you stole every word right out of my mouth, especially about taking what was a steal in the trade with the Colts and setting it on fire.
I think I've probably said every one of those things to my "In-denial, high-hopes, pie in the sky" Browns friends. They don't want to hear it though.
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