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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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MSURacerDT55;2321448; said:
Well you go ahead and stay "SAFE" and continue to get what you have been getting for the past 13 years....:shake:

Plus they did play good offenses....Oregon? West Virginia? Georgia? Arkansas?...

Also he actually reminds me of another New Orleans guy, Aeneas Williams who played both CB and FS

You're comparing some druggie who hasn't played football for an entire year to Aeneas Williams? :slappy:

As for "staying safe", look at how this franchise has drafted and tell me that reaching for a player who has no business being in the 1st 3 rounds is a good idea. :roll1:
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We will see I guess..Regardless, besides Joe Haden, who do we have that can cause us turnovers...Nobody...Idk, you need players with knacks of finding ways to get you the ball...I don't see many on this roster...

Also, I really hope Sheard can adapt to playing the 3-4 OLB role..I believe he was a tremendous second round pick and has played really well..

Side note: what would this team look like if Mangini didn't f**k up the year we had three 2nd round picks...(Veikune, Robiskie, Massaquoi)...That one draft, in my mind, put us back a few years...Anybody agree?
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Patrick Bateman;2321474; said:
What has TJ Ward did since his rookie year..Ill answer that, not Jack s**t...

Ward has steadily improved his coverage skills every year being in the NFL. Is one of the few enforcers from the safety spot and has made some hits that have made WR's think twice about going over the middle and RB's make damn sure they protect the ball. Case in point - his 2, nearly 3 forced fumbles against the Steelers.

What I'm trying to say is... What the fuck team are you watching?
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TJ Ward is good in run support but sucks in pass coverage...He is a tremendous hitter I agree, but steadily improved...Please...I feel he has stayed at a same level or regressed even since his tremendous rookie year...If you think Ward is good in coverage then we don't see the same thing....

Bottom line is Haden is the only DB we have worth a damn..
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Patrick Bateman;2321492; said:
TJ Ward is good in run support but sucks in pass coverage...He is a tremendous hitter I agree, but steadily improved...Please...I feel he has stayed at a same level or regressed even since his tremendous rookie year...If you think Ward is good in coverage then we don't see the same thing....

Bottom line is Haden is the only DB we have worth a damn..

So why would you even want to consider bringing in a guy like Mathieu who can't cover, doesn't tackle well and has no size to work with? :huh:

Don't fall for the espin hype.....
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Yeah the second is too high for Tyrann, but I wouldn't hesitate pulling the trigger on him if yes there in the third....What has TJ Ward did since his rookie year..Ill answer that, not Jack s**t...Do you really believe Chris Owens or Kevin Barnes will make a difference...Honey Badger just simply makes plays..I take the risk..

Anybody who can't see this kid is simply a football player knows nothing about football..
I agree that Ward is not the greatest SS in the NFL but he hasn't that bad despite his lack of coverage skills. Would I want someone better... of course. However, I don't think taking Honey to fill one of the safety slots is a good idea. He is just not physically strong enough for NFL wide receivers or tight ends and that is where Ward comes in. Maybe if Honey fell to the fourth round he might peak my interest as a CB candidate but that would be it.
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I like his game..ESPN is hyping him up something awful but I think his big play potential is very admirable but I will concede him being exposed at times..

Anybody who thinks TJ Ward has solidified himself is wrong...Maybe Tyrann wont amount to shit in the league but for nickel/dime packages and special teams, I take him..But I admit my.original statement of him being a second round pick was wrong but I am right about Ward not progressing since his rookie campaign coverage wise..
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MSURacerDT55;2321453; said:
In terms of character, I agree. But of course I am speaking on ability...

Williams was a Finalist for the HOF this year...they aren't even in the same zip code. Raw talent is not the same as ability. Ability takes hard work and discipline. There are a lot of questions as to how much of either Mathieu is interested in.
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LitlBuck;2321507; said:
I agree that Ward is not the greatest SS in the NFL but he hasn't that bad despite his lack of coverage skills. Would I want someone better... of course. However, I don't think taking Honey to fill one of the safety slots is a good idea. He is just not physically strong enough for NFL wide receivers or tight ends and that is where Ward comes in. Maybe if Honey fell to the fourth round he might peak my interest as a CB candidate but that would be it.

I can agree with that..obviously Honey Badger isn't big enough for NFL safety but my point is Haden is our only reliable DB, not Matthieu replacing Ward...Main point of it all is we need more DB help than the signings we made...

The Aeneus Williams comparison I don't see at all...He was not only a great player but a great team leader..
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LitlBuck;2321568; said:
Butler off the table Forgot that Ryan was the DC at Dallas last season

If I'm a backup OLB that wants more playing time right now I don't sign with the Browns. We already have 2 starters, 1 backup, and the #6 pick that could very well be another OLB.

On the other hand if I'm a CB or FS that wants more playing time I want the Browns to give me a call.
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