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Charlie Weis (ex-Kansas HC, ex-Fla OC, Notre Dame legend, UnDecided Schematic Advantage)

ORD_Buckeye;926214; said:
Heaven forbid anyone brings up the fact that everybody on that team except the seniors were signed by Weis, and even the seniors are in their third year of tutelage at the genius' knee.

Fine, let them write this season off. Satisfaction will have to be delayed. I'm talking about my satisfaction--my satisfaction in watching them turn on Weis and devour him as they have every single "savior" since Parseghian left. They're already penciling in back-to-back MNCs in '08 and '09. How sweet will it be to watch that dream crumble into the dust of reality. They'll turn on the fat bastard with a fury that I can't imagine but will most certainly enjoy.

That's a post to put in the bank. When they turn on this guy, it will be urban theatre!:mad1::bicker::sad2::banger::cry::mad1:
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One thing I don't get is that under Weis, they gave up more total yards in a single game than any other Notre Dame team has ever given up (against Ohio State in Fiesta Bowl), they suffered their worst opening-game lost ever (or maybe it was their worst home-opener ever - Georgia Tech this year), and it may be their first 0-2 start in a dozen bazillion years. He's the first Notre Dame coach ever to lose his first two home games (Michigan State and USC). With trash like that on your resume, how can you claim that you even deserve to keep your job?

As for this being "Ty's Team," was it "Ty's Team" when Notre Dame fans boast back-to-back BCS Bowl appearances? Was it "Ty's Team" that was able to obtain their greatest victory ever: a loss to USC in 2005? You can't have it both ways. Either "Ty's Team" got to the BCS Bowl games, and not Weis, or Weis's team did, and this is his crappy team that he made.
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Zurp;926447; said:
As for this being "Ty's Team," was it "Ty's Team" when Notre Dame fans boast back-to-back BCS Bowl appearances? Was it "Ty's Team" that was able to obtain their greatest victory ever: a loss to USC in 2005? You can't have it both ways. Either "Ty's Team" got to the BCS Bowl games, and not Weis, or Weis's team did, and this is his crappy team that he made.
Ding ding ding!!!

Year 1: Weis is a fooking genius because he's winning with Ty's players.

Year 2: Weis is the greatest coach evar because he's recruiting studs everywhere and still winning with Ty's players.

Year 3: It's all Ty's fault because his players sucked.

I still want to know the answer to how Ty could be fired after three years, while Weis gets a 10-year extension after two. Ty's rebuilding job was far more difficult than Charlie's, because he had Bob Davie's option-offense players, combined with building recruiting classes following the George O'Leary fiasco.

And I don't want to hear the crap about the loss of the class between the firing of Ty and the hiring of Charlie either. EVERY school loses a recruiting class every once in awhile. JT had to build something from the ashes of the Cooper regime, and won a National Title in his second year. For an encore, he kicked 90% of the 2003 recruiting class off the team, then went to the National Title Game again three years after that.
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Dryden;926467; said:
I still want to know the answer to how Ty could be fired after three years, while Weis gets a 10-year extension after two.

I'm pretty sure Weis got his extension after only 8 games. Ty was 8-0 after 8 games, and Weis was 6-2. Ty did not get a contract extension, but Charlie did. And don't try to use the excuse that one of Charlie's losses was a very close game against USC, because losing to Michigan State should count as two losses, anyway.

I'm not ready to whip out the "R" word, when referring to Notre Dame. But I can't seem to think of a good reason behind all of this.
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What's most pathetic about the whole Weis-Ty debate is the sick need of the domers to see Ty fail in order to validate Fat Bastard. I thought that it was confined to their own little circle jerks but having visited the Washington Scout board, apparently they've been going over there constantly for the last two years to gloat over every UW loss.
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sandgk;926568; said:
Which is ironic considering the venomously fascist censorship they impose on visitors to their own board. When Irish Eyes are blinkered.

Yea, I was banned from there pretty quickly. Of course, my screen name was Raped_By_My_Priest, and my sig photo was"


So that might have had a little to do with it.:biggrin:
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Bucky Katt;922683; said:
[Lou Holtz] "If you don't think Notre Dame ish one of the 25 bestht teamsh in the natshion at thish point, you haven't been watchshing. They've put up over 450 yardsh of offenshe in 4 conshecutive gamesh. If it weren't for the nightmarishsh early sheashon shchedule, they would be vying for a 'Bee Shee Esh' bowl." [/Lou Holtz]

You got hish schlobber soundsh down pat...
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Some of you act as thugh Charlie has been at ND forever! It has been 2 years! Just 2 years of not winning a big game. Charlie's players will be freshman/sophomores this year and expecting great things from them is very unrealistic.

I keep seeing this and arguments about rebuilding. That is fine and generally acceptable. Problem is that Charlie isn't just not winning big games. They are achieving historic levels of poor performance.

I still want to know the answer to how Ty could be fired after three years, while Weis gets a 10-year extension after two.

Catholics are notorious racists.

There was an article in today's Dispatch about Washington and Ty. One of the players was talking about how inspired he was by the way Ty lived his own life.

Anything like tha coming out of ND these days?
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