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CFP Playoff Committee justs makes s#!t up

If I know anything about A&M, and... let's just be frank, we all know way more than anyone should... Anyway... they'll find a way to be a perpetual "bubble team" that still just never actually gets over the bubble but once a lifetime or less.
I've seen this movie... will they insist that they're just... right... there.... and next year they'll win it all?
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So, I just meandered over to Penn State forums to see what stupid shit they want to complain about today. This one seems legit, if true:

Other than the jerk using emojis to talk, he's saying that the playoff committee is going to include weather in the rankings, which would mean that the weather could affect the home field advantage for the first round of the playoff. If a team in the north is going to be ranked 5-8, they could drop to 9-12 so they have to go on the road.

One nerd posts a video. I didn't watch it. It may give better context to this idea.

Here's the post I like:
I’m certain we will have a bye in the first round.
The only way they're getting a bye in the first round is if they also get byes in all the other rounds.
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The committee LIKELY won't drop somebody that's 5-8 down to 9-12 strictly because it's in a cold weather area.........but I could definitely see them doing that if it's in a cold weather area that has ZERO fucking hotels or infrastructure to handle a playoff game. Maybe don't build your mecca in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, assholes.
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The committee LIKELY won't drop somebody that's 5-8 down to 9-12 strictly because it's in a cold weather area.........but I could definitely see them doing that if it's in a cold weather area that has ZERO fucking hotels or infrastructure to handle a playoff game. Maybe don't build your mecca in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, assholes.
Agree and they will move cold weather teams around to play at cold weather sites.

Previous week:
6. Wisconsin
7. LSU
10. Washington
11. Bama

Final ranking:
6. Wisconsin
7. LSU
10. Bama
11. Washington
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