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CFP Playoff Committee justs makes s#!t up

Yeah - Right now, the NFL has a rule that says they cannot play on Saturdays until about midway through December. I think it came about when the USFL sued them for having a monopoly, or something. I don't know how strong that rule is, but I'd imagine that if college football wants to poke that bear, the NFL would push college football around pretty badly. With college football playoffs expanding, they need to be careful to not step on NFL's toes.
That's why, when January 1 is on a Sunday, we don't see many bowl games on January 1.
I'm a little surprised to see so many playoff games on Saturday, December 21.
But notice that the semifinals are on Thursday and Friday night - not on Saturday, at all.
Right - because January 10th-12th is Wild Card weekend.
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At the Grand Canyon hiking, sitting down for lunch and checking BP

Saw @CincyInterloper ’s post and was going to respond exactly that way, including the spelling

Surrounded by numerous strangers who asked what I was laughing at

As many of those strangers were Japanese, I just said it was a joke about a team that got burned because they played a Storm defense when they should have stayed in Cloud coverage
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I mean just bet on people taking PTO then…

If they aren’t then they aren’t CFB fans anyways.

Have to figure if they aren’t CFB Fans then they won’t watch anyways on a Friday.
I'm a CFB fan, I'll be working that day.
Meh. If Texas is playing Florida State at 4:00 on Friday I might make it home by halftime. If it's Ohio State I'll take PTO. If it isn't, I won't.
I'll watch Friday night regardless of the teams.
I'll watch all day Saturday or Sunday regardless of the teams.
I'll watch Monday night or Tuesday or any other night regardless of the teams.
PTO is for Buckeye games.
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True dat. How about the New Orleans Buckeyes? Or the Cleveland Buckeyes (each team with what, six ex-Buckeyes)? I'm retired so doesn't matter to me much, can tune in anyway. Might have to cut the golf round short, but hey, why not. Thanks to you guys who are supporting the social security system.
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Meh. If Texas is playing Florida State at 4:00 on Friday I might make it home by halftime. If it's Ohio State I'll take PTO. If it isn't, I won't.
I'll watch Friday night regardless of the teams.
I'll watch all day Saturday or Sunday regardless of the teams.
I'll watch Monday night or Tuesday or any other night regardless of the teams.
PTO is for Buckeye games.
With the caveat that I work from home 90% of the time....

Assuming people are going to take PTO for Christmas that early and adjusting your TV schedule for it is nonsense. The TV people know what they're doing. That's what I'm getting at.

Of course I'd be taking time off for a Buckeye game.
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