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Cavs-Wizards 1st round playoff series

I dont know if it cheapens his legacy.

Look at that Jordan shot, where he clearly pushes off and hits it to win the game. Eddie Jordan is just trying to make officials hesitate to call a foul when Lebron has the ball.
so the argument is that jordan cheated too, so it doesn't matter? That pushoff pales in comparison to 4 steps. I don't blame lebron, the NBA simply ignores the rules on a regular basis, and it does cheapen the game. It was like that when Jordan played and got more leniency than anyway.

Keep in mind I enjoy lebron's game a lot, I just find it hard to respect the game as much when rules are ignored. In football, we demand that the refs are absolutely perfect and always make the right call in crunch time. The opposite is expected in bball, especially when lebron/kobe/jordan has the ball.
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You can't possibly be complaining about calls against us. Tell me you're not, because I've seen AT LEAST 7 bad calls that have gone our way. This is just about the worst 18 minutes of basketball they've played all year.
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Arenas's way of playing basketball is lame. All he does is drives out of control to the hoop, plows into an opposing defender, and gets the call. Maybe that's how the NBA is played anymore. If so, the NBA's pathetic. That's not how basketball is supposed to be played.

As for the Cavs, if someone besides LeBron doesn't show up, they're going to lose this series. Z has been a total non-factor, Hughes hasn't done much, Gooden's missing dunks and not corraling easy rebounds, and Snow blatantly airballs wide open jumpshots. It's as if LeBron's so good that the rest of the team just stands around and expects him to score 80 points. Whoever said that Nash and Kobe deserved the MVP because they had no supporting cast should take another look at the rest of the Cavs team.
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Arenas's way of playing basketball is lame. All he does is drives out of control to the hoop, plows into an opposing defender, and gets the call. Maybe that's how the NBA is played anymore. If so, the NBA's pathetic. That's not how basketball is supposed to be played.

As for the Cavs, if someone besides LeBron doesn't show up, they're going to lose this series. Z has been a total non-factor, Hughes hasn't done much, Gooden's missing dunks and not corraling easy rebounds, and Snow blatantly airballs wide open jumpshots. It's as if LeBron's so good that the rest of the team just stands around and expects him to score 80 points. Whoever said that Nash and Kobe deserved the MVP because they had no supporting cast should take another look at the rest of the Cavs team.

Fucking exactly.
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"Lebron gets calls that Arenas doesnt get just because hes Lebron"

Lebron: 7 free throws attempted

Arenas: 16 free throws attempted

Fuck Eddie Jordan. I guess thats how the NBA deals with shit. The fucking coach cries so the refs change how the game is called.
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