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Cavs-Wizards 1st round playoff series

Told of Jordan's comments about the officiating, Brown smiled and pulled out a stat sheet.

Then the first-year coach began rattling off various comparisons, noting that Arenas and James have taken the same number of free throws in the series (35), that the Cavaliers have been whistled for nine more fouls than the Wizards, and that Washington has taken 20 more free throws so far

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The fucking thing about it that pisses me off as a huge cavs and lebron fan is that jordan is right, lebron took 4, maybe 5 steps on that last drive.

It cheapens the game, cheapens the win, and cheapens lebron's legacy.

Sadly, in the last few years officiating in the NBA has only gotten worse, and I don't see it getting better any time soon. Maybe now that the league is flush with young, compelling stars, they will try to bring integrity back to the game instead of letting guys get away with murder. They are amazing enough athletes to pick up on a change in rules enforcement quickly. It won't hurt the game, it'll make it better.
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Jordan needs to shut the fuck up, all hes trying to do is get the officials to hesitate to call a foul tonight when James takes it to the hoop.

If they favor James then why did Arenas get a 3-point play on one side of the floor, and James get hit in midair and not get a call at the end of the game.

Shut the fuck up. Varejo got called for a flagrant on a foul that was half of how bad James got fouled by Brendan Haywood, so that shows how much Jordan pays attention to the game.
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If they favor James then why did Arenas get a 3-point play on one side of the floor, and James get hit in midair and not get a call at the end of the game.

That was one of the biggest MAKE-UP CALLS I have ever seen. They botched one real bad the trip down the floor before that.

He's right though, that's the thing. Lebron gets the calls. He got away with traveling on the basket that won the game. It's obvious on that play.

I don't want lebron to get calls. I'm a cleveland fan. Half the joy I get from watching my teams is knowing they are the underdogs and don't get any respect. He's too good of a talent for his legacy to be cheapened with him getting calls he shouldn't. I want lebron to go down as the greatest ever, without any doubters, and every time he gets a call that he shouldn't it cheapens his legacy. He's talented enough to do it on his own.
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That was one of the biggest MAKE-UP CALLS I have ever seen. They botched one real bad the trip down the floor before that.

He's right though, that's the thing. Lebron gets the calls. He got away with traveling on the basket that won the game. It's obvious on that play.

I don't want lebron to get calls. I'm a cleveland fan. Half the joy I get from watching my teams is knowing they are the underdogs and don't get any respect. He's too good of a talent for his legacy to be cheapened with him getting calls he shouldn't. I want lebron to go down as the greatest ever, without any doubters, and every time he gets a call that he shouldn't it cheapens his legacy. He's talented enough to do it on his own.

I dont know if it cheapens his legacy.

Look at that Jordan shot, where he clearly pushes off and hits it to win the game. Eddie Jordan is just trying to make officials hesitate to call a foul when Lebron has the ball.
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Hopefully Big Z can warm up and play like we've come to expect. If he starts hitting those 10-15 footers, thats gonna open a lot of stuff up for LeBron and LH.

Yeah that is the shot that we truly need to start falling. Z is much more effective when that shot is falling.

Well that is just too bad for Jordan that his superstar missed a wideopen shot to win the game.

He wouldnt of said a word if that shot would of went in. Sounds like a sore loser to me. If he watches game two he clearly sees that Arenas isnt fouled towards the end of the game when driving to the lane, but he got the call, like any superstar in the nba would.

BTW at least the refs have been consistent and called it bad both ways.
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I dont know if it cheapens his legacy.

Look at that Jordan shot, where he clearly pushes off and hits it to win the game. Eddie Jordan is just trying to make officials hesitate to call a foul when Lebron has the ball.
I just can't stand people taking shots at lebron that are legitimate. Jordan's shot at lebron was legitimate, and I feel like the league and the refs owe it to lebron (or wade, or arenas, or anybody) not to blow calls like that. Whatever ... that's just the way the game is though.

I agree though ... obviously one shot won't cheapen his legacy, but it just makes me mad. you always want to win the right way. Jordan's whining won't help his team in the end.

I feel like Z has a good game today, and the cavs close out the series in 5.
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I just can't stand people taking shots at lebron that are legitimate. Jordan's shot at lebron was legitimate, and I feel like the league and the refs owe it to lebron (or wade, or arenas, or anybody) not to do things like that.

I agree though ... obviously one shot won't cheapen his legacy, but it just makes me mad. you always want to win the right way.

Well 99% of the ppl in the league couldnt hang in the air and be strong enough to knock that shot down.
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Great first half. LBJ was playing amazing and He sat the last 3 minutes and we stretched the lead, I really hope that LBJ attacks the hole in the second half, if his jumper doesnt fall like it did in the first half and if it does, well then he can just keep shooting.:biggrin:
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